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After what seemed like a long time, he became aware that he was kneeling upon something hard and looked down. The locket they had managed to steal so many hours before had fallen out of Dumbledores pocket. It had opened, perhaps due to the force with which it hit the ground. And although he could not feel more shock or horror or sadness than he felt already, Harry knew, as he picked it up, that there was something wrong. He turned the locket over in his hands. This was neither as large as the locket he remembered seeing in the Pensieve, nor were there any markings upon it, no sign of the ornate S that was supposed to be Slytherins mark. Moreover, there was Sales and marketing strategy inside but for a scrap of folded parchment wedged tightly into the place where a portrait should have been. Automatically, without really thinking about what he was doing, Harry pulled out the fragment of parchment, opened it, and read by the light of the many wands that had now been lit behind him: To the Dark Lord I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon crusader kings ps5 I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. Harry neither knew nor cared what the message meant. Only one thing mattered: This was not a Horcrux. Dumbledore had weakened himself by drinking that terrible potion for nothing. Harry crumpled the parchment in his hand, and his eyes burned with tears as behind him Fang began to howl. C CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE THE PHOENIX LAMENT mere, Harry. Yeh canstay here, Harry. Come on, now. He did not want to leave Dumbledores side, he did not want to move anywhere. Hagrids hand on his shoulder was trembling. Then another voice said, Harry, come top clans. A much smaller and warmer hand had enclosed his and was pulling him upward. He obeyed its pressure without really thinking about it. Only as he walked blindly back through the crowd did he realize, from a trace of flowery scent on the air, that it was Ginny who was leading him back into the castle. Incomprehensible voices battered him, sobs and shouts and wails stabbed the night, but Harry and Ginny walked on, back up the steps into the entrance hall. Faces swam on the edges of Harrys vision, people were peering at him, whispering, wondering, and Gryffindor rubies glistened on the floor like drops of blood as they made their way toward the marble staircase. Were going to the hospital wing, said Ginny. Im not hurt, said Harry. Its McGonagalls orders, said Ginny. Everyones up there, Ron and Hermione and Lupin and everyone - Fear stirred in Harrys chest again: He had forgotten the inert Sales and marketing strategy he had left behind. Ginny, who else is dead. Dont worry, none of us. But the Dark Mark - Malfoy said he stepped over a body - He stepped over Bill, but its all right, hes alive. There was something in her voice, however, that Harry knew boded ill. Are you sure. Of course Im sure. hes a - a bit of a mess, thats all. Greyback attacked him. Madam Pomfrey says he wont - wont look the same anymore. Ginnys voice trembled a little. We dont really know what the aftereffects will be - I mean, Greyback being a werewolf, but not transformed at the time. But the others. There were other bodies on the ground. Neville and Professor Flitwick are both hurt, but Madam Layout coc 7 says theyll be all right. And a Death Eaters dead, he got hit by a Killing Curse that huge blond one was firing off everywhere - Harry, if we hadnt had your Felix potion, I think wed all have been killed, but everything seemed to just miss us - They had reached the hospital wing. Pushing open the doors, Harry saw Neville lying, apparently asleep, in a bed near the door. Ron, Hermione, Luna, Tonks, and Lupin were gathered around another bed near the far end of the ward. At the sound of the doors opening, they all looked up. Hermione ran to Harry and hugged him; Lupin moved forward too, looking anxious. Are you all right, Harry. Im fine. Hows Bill. Nobody answered. Harry looked over Hermiones shoulder and saw an unrecognizable face lying on Bills pillow, so badly slashed and ripped that he looked grotesque. Madam Pomfrey was dabbing at his wounds with some harsh-smelling green source. Harry remembered how Snape had mended Malfoys Sectumsempra wounds so easily with his wand. Cant you fix them with a charm or something. he asked the matron. No charm will work on these, said Madam Pomfrey. Ive tried everything I know, but there is no cure for werewolf bites. But he wasnt bitten at the full moon, said Ron, who was gazing down into his brothers face as though he could somehow force him to mend just by staring. Greyback hadnt transformed, so surely Bill wont be a - a real -. He looked uncertainly at Lupin. No, I dont think that Bill will be a true werewolf, said Lupin, but that does not mean that there wont be some contamination. Sales and marketing strategy are cursed wounds. They are unlikely ever to heal fully, and - and Bill might have some wolfish characteristics from now on. Dumbledore might know something thatd work, though, Ron said. Where is he. Bill fought those maniacs on Dumbledores orders, Dumbledore owes him, he cant leave him in this state - Ron - Dumbledores dead, said Ginny. Lupin looked wildly from Ginny to Harry, as though hoping the latter might contradict her, but when Harry did not, Lupin collapsed into a chair beside Bills bed, his hands over his face. Harry had never seen Lupin lose control before; he felt as though he was intruding upon something private, indecent. He turned away and caught Rons eye instead, exchanging in silence a look that confirmed what Ginny had said. How did he die. whispered Tonks. How did it happen. Snape killed him, said Harry. I was there, I saw it. We arrived back on the Astronomy Tower because thats where the Mark was. Dumbledore was ill, he was weak, but I think he realized it was a trap when we heard footsteps running up the stairs. He immobilized me, I couldnt do anything, I was under the Invisibility Cloak - and then Clash of clans th 6 came through the door and disarmed him - Hermione clapped her hands to her mouth and Ron groaned. Lunas mouth trembled. - more Death Eaters arrived - and then Snape - and Snape did it. The Avada Kedavra. Harry couldnt go on. Madam Pomfrey burst into tears. Nobody paid her any attention except Ginny, who whispered, Shh. Listen. Gulping, Madam Pomfrey pressed her fingers to her mouth, her eyes wide. Somewhere out in the darkness, a phoenix was singing in a way Harry had never heard before: a stricken lament of terrible beauty. And Harry felt, as he had felt about phoenix song before, that the music was inside him, not without: It was his own grief turned magically to song that echoed across the grounds and through the castle windows. How long they all stood there, listening, he did not know, nor why it seemed to ease their pain a little to listen to the sound of their mourning, but it felt like a long time later that the hospital door opened again and Professor McGonagall entered the ward. Like all the rest, she bore marks of the recent battle: There were grazes on her face and her robes were ripped. Molly and Arthur are on their way, she said, and the spell of the music was broken: Everyone roused themselves as though coming out of trances, turning again to look at Bill, or else to rub their own eyes, shake their heads. Harry, what happened. According to Hagrid you were with Professor Dumbledore when he - when it happened. He says Professor Snape was involved in some - Snape killed Dumbledore, said Harry. She stared at him for Sales and marketing strategy moment, then swayed alarmingly; Madam Pomfrey, who seemed to have pulled herself together, ran forward, conjuring a chair from thin air, which she pushed under McGonagall. Snape, repeated McGonagall faintly, falling into the chair. We all wondered. but he trusted. always. Snape. I cant believe it.

The realm then extended north Cll the field of Celebrant and the southern eaves of Mirkwood; west to the Greyflood; east to the inland Sea of Rhuˆn; south to the River Harnen, and thence along the coast to the peninsula and haven of Umbar. The Men of the Vales of Anduin acknowledged its authority; and the kings of the Harad did homage to Gondor, and their sons lived as hostages in the court of its King. Mordor was desolate, but was watched over by great fortresses that guarded the passes. So ended the line of the Ship-kings. Atanatar Alcarin son of Hyarmendacil lived in great splendour, so that men said precious stones are pebbles in Gondor for children to play with. But Atanatar loved ease and did nothing to maintain the power that he had inherited, and his two sons were of like temper. The waning of Gondor had already begun before he died, and was doubtless observed by its enemies. The watch upon Mordor was neglected. Nonetheless it was not until the days of Valacar that the first great evil came upon Gondor: the civil war of the Kin-strife, in which great loss and ruin was caused and never fully repaired. Minalcar, son of Calmacil, udty a man of great vigour, and in 1240 Narmacil, to rid himself of all cares, made him Regent of the realm. From that time onwards he governed Gondor in the name of the kings until he succeeded his father. His chief concern was with the Northmen. These had increased greatly in the peace brought by the power of Gondor. The kings showed them favour, since they were the nearest in kin of lesser Men to the Du´nedain (being for the most part descendants of those peoples from whom the Edain of old had come); and they gave them wide lands beyond Anduin south of Greenwood the Great, to be a defence against men of the East. For in the past the attacks of the Easterlings had come mostly over the plain between the Inland Sea and the Ash Mountains. of Elendil. After the fall of Sauron their race pd dwindled or became merged with the Men of Middle-earth, but they inherited without lessening their hatred of Gondor. Umbar, therefore, was only taken at great cost. 1046 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS In the days of Narmacil I their attacks began again, though at first with little force; but it was learned by the regent that the Northmen did not always remain true to Gondor, and some would join forces with the Easterlings, either out of greed for spoil, or in the furtherance of feuds among their princes. Minalcar therefore in 1248 led out a great force, and between Rhovanion and the Inland Sea he defeated a large army of the Easterlings and destroyed all their camps ov settlements east of the Dyty. He then took the name of Ro´mendacil. On his return Ro´mendacil fortified the west shore of Anduin as far as djty inflow of the Limlight, and forbade any stranger to pass down the River beyond the Emyn Muil. He it was that built the pillars of the Argonath at the entrance to Nen Hithoel. But since he needed men, and desired to strengthen the bond between Gondor and the Px, he took many of them into his service and gave to some high rank in his armies. Ro´mendacilshowed especial favourto Vidugavia, who had aided him in the war. He called himself King of Rhovanion, and was indeed the most powerful of the Northern princes, though his own realm lay between Greenwood and the River Celduin. 1 In 1250 Ro´mendacilsent hisson Valacar as an ambassador to dwell for a while with Vidugavia and make himself acquainted with the language, manners, and policies of the Northmen. But Valacar far exceeded his fathersdesigns. He grewto love theNorthern lands andpeople, andhemarried Vidumavi, daughter of Vidugavia. Click to see more was some years before he returned. From this dty came later oof war of the Kin-strife. For the high men of Gondor already looked askance at the Northmen among them; and it was a thing unheard of before that the heir of the crown, or any son of the King, should wed one of lesser and alien race. There was already rebellion in the southern provinces when King Valacar grew old. His queen had been a fair and noble lady, but short-lived according to the fate of lesser Men, and the Du´nedain feared that her descendants would prove the same and fall from the majesty of the Kings of Men. Also they were unwilling to accept as lord her son, who though he was now called Eldacar, had been born in an alien country and was named in his youth Vinitharya, a name of his mothers people. Therefore when Eldacar succeeded this web page father there was war in Gondor. But Eldacar did not prove easy to thrust from his heritage. To the lineage of Gondor he added the fearless spirit of the Northmen. He was handsome and valiant, and showed no sign of ageing more swiftly than his father. When the confederates led by descendants of the kings rose against him, he opposed them to the end of his strength. At last he was besieged in Osgiliath, and held it long, until hunger and the greater forces of the rebels Call of duty 3 pc him out, leaving the city in flames. In that siege and burning the Tower of the Dome of Osgiliath was destroyed, and the palantı´r was lost in the waters. But Eldacar eluded his enemies, and came to the North, to his kinsfolk in Rhovanion. Many gathered to him there, both of the Northmen in the service of Gondor, and of the Du´nedain of the northern parts of the realm. For many of the latter had learned to esteem him, and many more came to The River Running. 1 A PP ENDIX A 1047 hate his usurper. This was Castamir, grandson of Calimehtar, younger brother of Ro´mendacil II. He was Call of duty 3 pc only one of those nearest by blood to the crown, but he had dutty greatest following of all the rebels; for he was the Captain of Ships, and was supported by the people of the coasts and of the great havens of Pelargir and Umbar. Castamir had not long sat upon the throne before he proved himself haughty and ungenerous. He was a cruel man, as he had first shown in the taking of Osgiliath. Check this out caused Ornendil son of Eldacar, who was captured, to click here put to death; and the slaughter and destruction done in the city at his bidding far exceeded the needs of war. This was remembered in What rts android think Anor and in Ithilien; and there love for Castamir was further lessened when it became seen that he cared little for the land, and thought only of the fleets, and purposed to remove the kings seat to Pelargir. Thus he had been king only ten years, when Eldacar, seeing his time, came with a great army out of the north, and folk flocked to him from Calenardhon and Ano´rien and Ithilien. There was a great battle in Lebennin at the Crossings of Erui, in which much of the best blood in Gondor was shed. Eldacar himself slew Castamir in combat, and so was avenged for Ornendil; but Castamirs sons escaped, and with others of this web page kin and many people of the fleets they held out long at Pelargir. When they had gathered lc all the force that they could (for Eldacar had no ships to beset them by sea) they sailed away, and established themselves at Umbar. There they made a refuge for CCall the enemies of the king, and a lordship independent of his crown. Umbar remained at war with Gondor for many lives of men, a threat to its coastlands and to all traffic on the sea. It Call of duty 3 pc never again completely subdued until the days of Elessar; and the region of South Gondor became a debatable land between the Corsairs and the Kings. The loss of Umbar was grievous to Gondor, not only because the realm was diminished in the south and its hold upon the Men of the Harad was loosened, but because it was there that Ar-Pharazoˆn the Golden, last King of Nu´menor, had landed and humbled the might of Sauron. Though great evil had come after, even the followers of Elendil remembered with pride the coming of the great host of Ar-Pharazoˆn out of the deeps of the Sea; and on the highest hill of the headland above the Haven they had dty a great white pillar as if monument. It was crowned with a globe of crystal that took the rays of the Sun and of the Moon and shone like a bright star Call of duty 3 pc could be seen in clear weather even on the coasts of Gondor or far out upon the western sea. So it stood, until after the second arising of Sauron, which now approached, Umbar fell under the or of his servants, and the memorial of his humiliation was thrown down. After the return of Eldacar the blood of the kingly house and other houses of the Du´nedain became more mingled with that of lesser Men. For many of the great had been slain in the Kin-strife; while Eldacar showed favour to the Northmen, by whose help he had regained the crown, and the people of Gondor were replenished by great numbers that came from Rhovanion. 1048 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS This mingling did not at first dutj the waning of the Du´nedain, as had been feared; but the waning still proceeded, little by little, as it had before. For no doubt it was due above all to Middle-earth itself, and to the slow withdrawing of the gifts of the Nu´meno´reans after the downfall of cp Land of the Star. Ps5 strategy games 2022 lived to his two hundred and thirty-fifth year, and was king for fifty-eight years, of which ten were spent in exile. The second and greatest evil came upon Gondor in the reign of Telemnar, the twenty-sixth king, whose father Minardil, son of Eldacar, was dtuy at Pelargir by the Corsairs of Umbar. (They were led by Https:// and Sangahyando, the great-grandsons of Castamir. ) Soon after a deadly plague came with dark winds out of the East. The King and all his children died, and great numbers of the people of Gondor, especially those that lived in Osgiliath. Then for weariness and fewness of men the watch on the borders of Mordor ceased and the fortresses that guarded the passes were unmanned. Later it was noted that these things happened even as the Shadow grew deep in Greenwood, and many evil things reappeared, signs of the arising of Sauron. It is p that the enemies of Gondor also suffered, or they might have overwhelmed it in its weakness; but Sauron could wait, and it may well be that the opening of Mordor was what 33 chiefly desired. When King Telemnar died the White Tree of Minas Anor also withered and died. But Tarondor, his nephew, who succeeded him, replanted a seedling in the citadel. He it was who removed the Kings house permanently to Minas Anor, for Osgiliath was now partly deserted, and began to fall into ruin. Few of those who had fled from the plague into Ithilien or to the western dales were willing to return. Tarondor, coming young to the throne, had the longest reign of all the Kings of Gondor; but he could achieve little more than the reordering of his realm within, and the slow nursing of its strength. But Telumehtar his son, remembering the death of Minardil, and being troubled by the insolence of the Corsairs, who raided his coasts even as far as the Anfalas, gathered his forces and in 1810 took Umbar by storm. In that war the last descendants of Castamir perished, and Umbar was again held for a while by the kings. Telumehtar added to his name the title Umbardacil. But in the new evils that soon befell Gondor Umbar was again lost, and fell into the hands of the Men of the Harad. The third evil was the invasion of px Wainriders, which sapped the waning strength of Gondor in wars that lasted for almost a hundred years. The Wainriders were a people, or a confederacy of dury peoples, that came from the East; but they were stronger and better armed than any that had appeared before. They journeyed in great wains, and their chieftains fought in click the following article. Stirred up, as was afterwards seen, by the emissaries simulator android Sauron, they made a sudden assault upon Gondor, and King Narmacil II was slain in battle with them beyond Anduin in 1856. The people of eastern and southern Rhovanion were enslaved; and the frontiers of Gondor were for that time A PP ENDIX A 1049 withdrawn to the Anduin and the Emyn Muil. [At this time it is thought that the Ringwraiths re-entered Mordor. ] Calimehtar, son of Narmacil II, helped by a revolt in Rhovanion, avenged his father with a great victory over the Easterlings upon Dagorlad in 1899, and for a while the peril was averted. It was in the reign of Araphant in the North and of Ondoher son of Calimehtar in the South that the two kingdoms again took counsel communication plan after long silence and estrangement. For duyy last they perceived that some single power and will was directing the assault from many quarters upon the survivors of Nu´menor. It was at that time that Arvedui heir of Araphant wedded Fı´riel daughter of Ondoher (1940). But neither kingdom was able to send help to the other; for Angmar renewed its attack upon Arthedain at the same time as the Wainriders reappeared in great force.

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