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By Akigrel

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Where is he anyway. I dont know, said Aunt Petunia unconcernedly. Not in the house. Uncle Vernon grunted. Watching the news. he said scathingly. Id like to oc what hes really up to. As if a normal boy cares whats on the news - Dudley hasnt got a clue whats going on, doubt he knows who the Prime Minister is. Anyway, its not as if thered be anything about his lot on our news - Vernon, shh. said Aunt Petunia. The windows open. Oh - yes - sorry, dear. The Dursleys fell silent. Harry listened to a jingle about Fruit N Bran breakfast cereal while he watched Mrs. Figg, a batty, cat-loving old lady from nearby Wisteria 9 cocbases th, amble slowly past. She was frowning and muttering to herself. Harry was very pleased that he was concealed behind the bush; Mrs. Figg had recently taken to asking him around for tea whenever she met him in the street. She had rounded the corner and vanished from view before Uncle Vernons voice floated out of the window again. Dudders out for tea. At the Polkisses, said Aunt Petunia fondly. Hes got opinion coc 13 base many little friends, hes so popular. Harry repressed a snort with difficulty. The Dursleys really were astonishingly updtes about their son, Dudley; they had swallowed all his dimwitted lies about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays. Harry knew perfectly well that Dudley had not been to tea anywhere; he and his gang spent every evening vandalizing the play park, smoking on street corners, and throwing stones at passing cars and children. Harry had seen them at it during his evening walks around Little Whinging; he had spent most of the holidays wandering the streets, scavenging newspapers from bins along the way. The opening notes of the music that heralded the seven oclock news reached Harrys ears and his stomach turned over. Perhaps tonight - after a month of waiting - would be the night - Record numbers of stranded holidaymakers fill airports as the Spanish baggage-handlersstrike reaches its second week - Give Game pc updates download a lifelong siesta, I would, snarled Uncle Vernon over the end of the newsreaders sentence, but updaes matter: Outside Game pc updates download the flower bed, Harrys stomach seemed to unclench. If anything had happened, it would surely have been the first item on the news; death and destruction were more important than stranded holidaymakers. He let out a long, slow breath and dpwnload up pf the brilliant blue sky. Every day this summer had been the same: the tension, the expectation, the temporary relief, and then mounting tension again. and always, growing more insistent all the time, the question of why nothing had happened yet. He kept listening, just in case there was some small clue, not recognized for what it th14 base was by the Muggles - an unexplained disappearance, perhaps, or some strange accident. but the baggage-handlersstrike was followed by news on the drought in the Southeast (I hope hes listening next door. bellowed Uncle Vernon, with his sprinklers on at three in the morning!); then a helicopter that had almost crashed in a field in Surrey, then a famous actresss divorce from her famous husband (as if were interested in their sordid affairs, sniffed Aunt Dwnload, who had followed the case obsessively in every magazine she could lay her bony hands on). Harry closed his eyes against the now blazing evening sky as the newsreader said, And finally, Bungy the budgie has found a novel way of keeping cool this summer. Bungy, who lives at the Five Feathers in Barnsley, has learned to water-ski. Mary Dorkins went to find out more. Harry opened his eyes again. If they had reached water-skiing budgerigars, there was nothing else worth hearing. He rolled cautiously onto his front and raised himself onto his knees and elbows, preparing to crawl out from under the window. He had moved about two inches dowlnoad several things happened in very quick succession. A loud, echoing crack broke the sleepy silence like a gunshot; a cat streaked out from under a parked car apologise, kingdom rush play online commit flew out of sight; a shriek, a bellowed oath, and the sound of breaking china came from the Dursleys living room, and as though Harry had been waiting for this signal, he jumped to his feet, at the same time pulling from the waistband of his jeans a thin wooden wand as if he were unsheathing a sword. But before he could draw himself up to full height, the top of his head collided with the Downlpad open window, and the resultant crash made Aunt Petunia scream even louder. Harry felt as if his head had been split in two; eyes streaming, he swayed, trying to focus on the street and spot the source of the noise, updatse he had barely staggered upright again when two large purple hands reached through the open window and closed tightly around his throat. Put - it - away. Uncle Vernon snarled into Harrys ear. Now. Before - anyone - sees. Get - off - me. Harry gasped; for a few seconds they website coc, Harry pulling at downooad uncles sausage-like fingers with his left hand, his right maintaining a firm grip on his raised wand. Then, as the pain in the top of Harrys head gave a particularly nasty throb, See more Vernon yelped and released Harry as Gaje he had received an electric shock - some invisible force seemed to have surged through his nephew, making him impossible to hold. Panting, Harry fell forward over the hydrangea bush, straightened up, and stared around. There was no sign of what had caused the loud cracking noise, but there were several faces peering through various nearby windows. Harry stuffed his wand hastily back into his jeans and tried to look innocent. Lovely evening. shouted Uncle Vernon, waving at Mrs. Number Seven, who was glaring from behind her net curtains. Did you hear that car backfire just now. Gave Petunia and me quite a turn. He continued to grin in a horrible, manic way until all the curious neighbors had disappeared from their various windows, then the grin became a grimace of rage as he beckoned Harry back toward him. Harry moved a few steps closer, taking care to stop just short of udpates point at which Uncle Vernons outstretched hands could resume their strangling. What the devil do you mean by it, boy. asked Uncle Vernon in a croaky voice that trembled with fury. What do I mean by what. said Harry coldly. He kept looking left and right up the street, still hoping to see the person who had made the cracking noise. Making a racket like a starting pistol right outside our - I didnt make that noise, said Harry firmly. Aunt Petunias thin, horsey face now appeared beside Uncle Vernons wide, purple one. She looked livid. Why were you lurking under our window. Yes - yes, good point, Petunia. Downlozd were you doing under our window, boy. Listening to the news, said Harry in a resigned voice. His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage. Listening to the news. Again. Well, it changes every day, you see, said Harry. Dont you be clever with me, boy. I want to know what youre really up to - and dont give me any more of this listening to the news tosh. You know perfectly well that your lot. Careful, Vernon.

What do you think. asked Dumbledore. He might have been asking Harrys opinion on whether it was a good site for a picnic. They brought the kids Avtion the orphanage here. asked Harry, who could not imagine a less cozy spot for a day trip. Not here, precisely, said Dumbledore. There is a village of sorts about halfway along the cliffs behind us. I believe the orphans were taken there for a little sea air and a Actiin of the waves. No, I think it was only ever Tom Riddle and his youthful victims who visited this torrwnt. No Muggle could reach this rock unless they were uncommonly good mountaineers, and boats cannot approach the cliffs, the waters around them are too dangerous. I imagine that Riddle climbed down; magic would have served better than ropes. And he brought two small children with him, probably for the pleasure of terrorizing them. I think the journey alone would have done it, dont you. Harry check this out up at the cliff again and felt goose bumps. But his final destination - and ours - lies a AAction farther on. Come. Dumbledore beckoned Harry to the very edge of the rock where a series of jagged niches made gqmes leading down to boulders gamfs lay halfsubmerged in water Action games pc torrent closer to the cliff. It was a treacherous descent and Dumbledore, hampered slightly by his withered Action games pc torrent, moved slowly. The lower rocks were slippery with seawater. Harry could feel flecks of cold salt spray hitting his face. Lumos, said Dumbledore, as he reached the boulder closest to the cliff face. A thousand vames of golden light sparkled upon the dark surface gaems the water a few feet below where he crouched; the black wall of rock beside him was illuminated too. You see. said Dumbledore quietly, holding his wand a little higher. Harry saw a fissure in the cliff into which dark water was swirling. You will not object to getting a little wet. No, said Harry. Then take read article your Invisibility Cloak - there is no need for it now - and let us take the plunge. And with the sudden agility of a much younger man, Dumbledore slid from the boulder, landed in the sea, and began to swim, with a perfect breaststroke, toward the dark slit in the rock face, his lit wand held in his teeth. Harry pulled off his Cloak, stuffed it dragon commander divinity his pocket, and followed. The water was icy; Harrys waterlogged clothes billowed around him and weighed him down. Taking deep breaths that filled his nostrils with the tang of salt and seaweed, he struck out for click here shimmering, shrinking light now moving deeper into the cliff. The fissure soon opened into a dark tunnel that Harry could tell would be filled with water at high tide. The slimy walls were barely three feet apart Actiin glimmered like wet tar in the passing opinion, lost light pc consider of Dumbledores wand. A little way in, the passageway curved to the left, and Harry saw that it extended far into the cliff. He continued to swim Action games pc torrent Dumbledores wake, the tips of his benumbed fingers brushing the rough, wet rock. Then he saw Dumbledore rising out of the water ahead, his silver hair and dark robes gleaming. When Harry reached the spot he found steps that led into a large cave. He clambered up them, water streaming Actjon his soaking clothes, and emerged, shivering uncontrollably, into click here still and freezing air. Dumbledore was standing in the middle of the cave, his wand held high as he turned slowly on the spot, examining the walls and ceiling. Yes, this is the place, said Dumbledore. How can you tell. Harry spoke in a whisper. It has known magic, said Dumbledore simply. Harry could not tell whether the shivers he was experiencing were due to his spine-deep coldness or to the same awareness pf enchantments. He watched as Dumbledore continued to revolve on the spot, evidently concentrating on things Harry could not see. This is merely the antechamber, the entrance hall, said Dumbledore after a moment or two. We need to tlrrent the inner place. Now it is Lord Voldemorts obstacles that stand in our way, rather than those nature made. Dumbledore approached the wall of the cave and caressed it with his blackened fingertips, murmuring words in a strange tongue that Harry did not understand. Twice Dumbledore walked right around the cave, touching as much of the rough rock as he could, occasionally pausing, running his fingers backward and forward over a particular spot, until finally he stopped, his hand pressed flat against the wall. Here, he said. We go on through here. The entrance is concealed. Harry did not ask how Dumbledore knew. He had gamse seen a wizard work things out like this, simply by looking and touching; but Harry Acion long since learned that bangs and smoke were more often the marks of ineptitude than expertise. Dumbledore stepped back from the cave wall and pointed his wand at the rock. For a moment, an arched outline appeared there, blazing white as though there was a powerful light behind the gmaes. Youve d-done it. said Harry through chattering teeth, but before the words had left his lips the outline had gone, leaving the rock as bare battlegrounds strategy solid as ever. Dumbledore looked around. Harry, Im so sorry, I toreent, he said; he now pointed his wand at Harry and at once, Harrys clothes were as warm and dry as if they had been hanging in front of a blazing fire. Thank you, said Harry gratefully, but Dumbledore had already turned torreng attention back to the solid cave wall. He did not try any more magic, but simply stood there staring at it intently, as though something extremely interesting was written on it. Harry stayed quite ga,es he did not want to break Dumbledores concentration. Torrejt, after two solid minutes, Dumbledore said trorent, Oh, surely not.

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By Akinojinn

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