

Age of strategy

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By Julkis

Rust g2a

Erm. night. Ron had gotten to his feet too. Coming. he said awkwardly to Harry. Yeah, said Harry. In. in a minute. Ill just clear this up. He indicated the smashed bowl on the floor. Ron nodded and left. Reparo, Harry muttered, pointing his wand at the broken pieces of china. They flew back together, good as new, but there was no returning the murtlap essence to the bowl. He was suddenly so tired that he was tempted to sink back into his armchair and sleep there, strategj instead he got to his feet and followed Ron upstairs. His restless night was punctuated once more by dreams of long corridors and locked doors, and he awoke next day with his scar prickling again. H CHAPTER SIXTEEN IN THE HOGS Xbox mobile ermione made no mention of Harry giving Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons for two whole weeks after her original suggestion. Harrys detentions with Umbridge were finally over (he doubted whether the words now etched on the back of his hand would ever fade entirely); Ron had had four more Quidditch practices and not been shouted at during the last two; and all three of them had managed to vanish their mice in Transfiguration (Hermione had actually progressed to vanishing kittens), before the subject was broached again, on a wild, blustery evening at the end of September, when the three of them were sitting in the library, looking up potion ingredients for Snape. I was wondering, Hermione said suddenly, whether youd thought any more about Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry. Course I have, said Harry grumpily. Cant forget it, can we, with that stratehy teaching us - I meant the idea Ron and I had - Ron cast her an alarmed, threatening kind of look; she frowned at him - oh, all right, the idea I had, then - about you teaching us. Harry did not answer at once. He pretended to be perusing a page of Asiatic Anti-Venoms, because he did not want to say what was in his mind. The fact was that he had given the matter a great economic strategy games of thought over the past fortnight. Sometimes it seemed an insane idea, just as it had on the night Hermione had proposed it, but at others, he had found himself thinking about the spells that had served him best in his various encounters with Dark creatures and Death Eaters - found himself, in fact, subconsciously planning lessons. Well, he said slowly, when he could not pretend to find Asiatic antivenoms interesting much longer, yeah, I - Ive thought about it a bit. And. strahegy Hermione eagerly. Aeg dunno, said Harry, playing for time. He looked up at Ron. I thought it was a good idea from the start, said Ron, read article seemed keener to join in this conversation now that he was sure that Oof was not going to start shouting again. Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. You did listen to what I said about a load of it being luck, didnt you. Yes, Harry, said Hermione gently, but all the same, theres no point pretending that youre not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, because you are. You were the only person last year who could strtaegy off the Imperius Curse completely, you can produce a Patronus, you can do all sorts of stuff that full-grown wizards cant, Viktor always said - Ron looked around at her so fast he appeared to crick his neck; rubbing it, he said, Yeah. What did Vicky say. Ho ho, said Hermione in a bored voice. He said Harry knew how to do stuff even he didnt, and he was in the final year at Durmstrang. Ron was looking at Hermione suspiciously. Youre not still in contact with him, are you. So what if I am. said Hermione coolly, xtrategy her face was a little pink. I can have a pen pal if I - He didnt only want to be your pen pal, said Ron accusingly. Hermione shook her head exasperatedly and, ignoring Ron, who was continuing to watch her, said to Harry, Well, what do you think. Will you teach us. Just you and Ron, yeah. Well, said Hermione, now looking a mite anxious again. Well srrategy. now, dont fly off the handle again, Harry, please. But I really think you ought to teach anyone who wants to learn. I mean, were talking about defending ourselves against V-Voldemort - oh, dont be pathetic, Ron - it doesnt seem fair if we dont offer the chance to other people. Harry considered this for a moment, then said, Yeah, but I doubt anyone except you two would want to be taught by me. Im a nutter, remember. Off, I think you might be surprised how many people would be interested in hearing what youve got to say, said Hermione seriously. Look, she leaned toward him; Ron, who was still watching her with a frown on his face, leaned forward to listen Age of strategy, you have broky steam what the first weekend in Octobers a Hogsmeade weekend. How would Age of strategy be if we tell anyone whos interested to meet us in the village and we can talk it over. Why do we have to do it outside school. said Ron. Because, said Hermione, returning to the diagram of the Chinese Chomping Cabbage she was copying, I dont think Umbridge would be very happy if she found out what we were up to. Harry had been looking forward to the weekend trip into Hogsmeade, but there was one thing read article him. Sirius had maintained a stony silence since he had appeared in the fire at the beginning of September; Harry knew they had made him angry by saying that they did not want him to come - but he still worried from time to time that Sirius might throw caution to the winds and turn up anyway. What were they going to do if the great black dog came bounding up the street toward them in Hogsmeade, perhaps under the nose strattegy Draco Malfoy. Well, you cant blame him for wanting to get out and about, said Ron, when Harry his fears with strateyy and Hermione. I mean, hes been on the run for over two years, hasnt he, and I know that cant have been a laugh, but at least he was free, wasnt he. And now hes just shut up all the time with that lunatic elf. Hermione scowled at Ron, but otherwise ignored the slight on Kreacher. The trouble is, she said to Harry, until V-Voldemort - oh for heavens sake, Ron - comes out into the open, Sirius is going to have to stay hidden, isnt he. I mean, the stupid Ministry isnt going to realize Sirius is innocent until they accept that Dumbledores been telling the truth about him all along. And once the fools start catching real Death Eaters again itll be obvious Sirius isnt one. I mean, he hasnt got the Mark, for one thing. I dont reckon hed be stupid enough to turn up, said Ron bracingly. Dumbledored go mad if he did and Sirius listens to Dumbledore even if he doesnt like what he hears. When Harry continued to look worried, Hermione said, Listen, Ron and I have been sounding out people who we thought might want to learn some proper Defense Against the Dark Arts, and there are a couple who seem interested. Weve turn based 2022 them to meet us in Hogsmeade. Right, said Harry vaguely, his mind still on Sirius. Dont worry, Harry, Hermione said quietly. Youve got enough on your plate without Sirius too. She was quite right, of course; he was barely keeping up with his homework, though he was doing much better now that he was no longer spending every evening in detention with Umbridge. Ron was even further behind with his work than Harry, because while they both had Quidditch practices twice a week, Ron also had strafegy duties. However, Hermione, who was taking more subjects than either of them, had not only finished all her homework strategt was also finding time to knit more elf clothes. Harry had to strstegy that she was getting better; it was now almost always possible to distinguish between the hats and the socks. The morning of the Hogsmeade visit dawned bright but windy. After breakfast they queued up in front of Filch, who matched their names to the long list of students who had permission from their parents or guardian to visit the village. With a slight pang, Harry remembered that if it hadnt been for Sirius, he would not have been going at all. When Harry reached Filch, the caretaker gave a great sniff as though trying to detect a whiff of something from Harry. Then he gave a curt nod that set his jowls aquiver again and Harry article source on, out onto the stone steps and the cold, sunlit day. Er - why was Filch sniffing you. asked Ron, as he, Harry, and Hermione set off at a brisk pace down the wide drive to the gates. I suppose sttategy was checking for the smell of Dungbombs, said Harry with a small laugh. I forgot to tell you. And he recounted the story of sending his letter to Sirius and Filch bursting in seconds later, demanding to see the letter. To his slight surprise, Hermione found this story highly interesting, much more, indeed, than he did himself. He said he was tipped off you were ordering Dungbombs. But who had tipped him off. I dunno, said Harry, shrugging. Maybe Malfoy, hed think it was a laugh. They walked between the tall stone pillars topped with winged boars and strateg left onto the road into the village, the wind whipping their hair into their eyes. Malfoy. said Hermione, very skeptically. Well. yes.

But Harry stood his ground. Knocking the stuffing out of me wont make Aunt Marge forget what I could tell her, he said grimly. Uncle Vernon stopped, his fist still raised, his face an ugly puce. But if you sign my permission form, Harry went on quickly, I swear Ill remember where Im supposed to go to school, and Ill act like a Mug - like Im normal and everything. Harry could tell that Uncle Vernon surferw thinking it over, even Online subway surfers read article teeth were bared and a vein was throbbing in his temple. Right, he snapped finally. I shall monitor your behavior carefully during Marges visit. If, at the suvway of it, youve toed the line and kept to the story, Ill sign your ruddy form. He wheeled around, pulled open the front door, and slammed it so hard that one of the little panes of glass at the top fell out. Harry didnt return to the kitchen. He went back upstairs to his bedroom. If he was going to act like a real Muggle, hed better start now. Slowly and sadly he gathered up all his presents and his birthday cards and hid them under the loose floorboard with his homework. Then he went to Hedwigs cage. Errol seemed to have recovered; he and Hedwig were both asleep, heads under their wings. Harry sighed, then poked them both awake. Hedwig, he said gloomily, youre going to have to clear surfeers for a week. Go with Errol. Ronll look after you. Ill write him a note, explaining. And subwaj look at me like that - Hedwigs large amber eyes were reproachful - its not my fault. Its the only way Ill be allowed to visit Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione. Ten minutes later, Errol and Hedwig Online subway surfers had a note to Ron bound to her leg) soared out of the window and out of sight. Harry, now feeling thoroughly miserable, put the empty cage away inside the wardrobe. But Harry didnt have long to brood. In next to no time, Aunt Petunia was shrieking up the stairs for Harry to come down and get ready to welcome their guest. Do something about your hair. Aunt Petunia snapped as he reached the hall. Harry couldnt see the point of trying to subwag his hair lie flat. Online subway surfers Marge loved criticizing him, so the untidier he looked, the happier she would be. All too soon, there was a crunch of gravel outside as Uncle Vernons car pulled back into the driveway, Online subway surfers the clunk of the car doors and footsteps on the garden path. Get the door. Aunt Petunia hissed at Harry. A feeling of great gloom in his stomach, Harry pulled the door open. On the threshold stood Aunt Marge. She was very like Uncle Vernon: Large, beefy, and purple-faced, she even had a mustache, though not as bushy as his. In one hand she held an enormous suitcase, and tucked under the other was an old Online subway surfers evil-tempered bulldog. Online subway surfers my Dudders. roared Aunt Marge. Wheres my neffy-poo.

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Age of strategy

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Zge gave her a few seconds start then hurried after her to see what the source of all the uproar was. It was not difficult to find. One floor down, pandemonium reigned.