

Lordz io

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By Zulkikree

Lordz io

But you must not delay too long. What about the autumn, on or after Our Birthday. asked Frodo. I think I could probably make some arrangements by then. To tell the truth, he was very reluctant exagear strategies games for start, now that it had come to the point: Bag End seemed a more desirable residence than it had for years, and he wanted to savour as much as he could of his last summer in the Shire. When autumn came, he knew that part at least of his heart would think more kindly of journeying, as it always did at that season. He had indeed privately made up his mind to leave on his fiftieth birthday: Bilbos one hundred and twenty-eighth. It seemed somehow the proper day on which to set out and follow him. Following Bilbo was uppermost in his mind, and the one thing that made the thought of leaving bearable. He thought as little as possible about the Ring, and where it might lead him in the end. But he did not tell all his thoughts to Gandalf. What the wizard guessed was always difficult to tell. He looked at Frodo and smiled. Very well, he said. I think that will do but it must not be any later. I am getting very anxious. In the meanwhile, do take care, and dont let out any hint of where you are going. And see that Sam Gamgee does not talk. If he does, I really shall turn him into a toad. As for where I am going, said Frodo, it would be difficult to give that away, for I have no clear idea myself, yet. Dont be absurd. said Gandalf. I am not warning you against leaving an address at the post-office. But you are leaving the Shire and that should not be known, until you are far away. And you must go, or at least set out, either North, South, West or East and the direction should certainly not be known. I have been so taken up with the thoughts of leaving Bag End, and of saying farewell, that I have never even considered the direction, 66 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS said Frodo. For where am I to go. And by what shall I steer. What is to be my quest. Bilbo went to find a treasure, there and back again; but I go to lose one, and not return, as far as I can see. But you cannot see very far, said Gandalf. Neither can I. It may be your task to find the Cracks of Doom; but that quest may be for others: I do not know. At any rate you are not ready for that long road yet. No indeed. said Frodo. But in the meantime what am I to take. Towards danger; but not too rashly, nor too straight, answered the wizard. If you want my advice, make for Rivendell. That journey should not prove too perilous, though the Road is less easy than it was, and it will grow worse as the year fails. Rivendell. said Frodo. Very good: I will go east, and I will make for Rivendell. I will take Sam to visit the Elves; he will be delighted. He spoke lightly; but his heart was moved suddenly with a desire to see the house of Elrond Halfelven, and breathe the air of that deep valley where many of the Fair Folk still dwelt in peace. One summers evening an astonishing piece of news reached the Ivy Bush and Green Dragon. Giants and other portents on the borders of the Shire were forgotten for more important matters: Mr. Frodo was selling Bag End, indeed he had already sold it to the SackvilleBagginses. For a nice bit, too, said some. At a bargain price, said others, and thats more likely when Mistress Lobelias the buyer. (Otho had died some years before, at the ripe but disappointed age of 102. ) Just why Mr. Frodo was selling his beautiful hole was even more debatable than the price. A few held the theory supported by the nods and hints of Mr. Baggins himself that Frodos money was running out: he was going to leave Hobbiton and live in a quiet way on the proceeds of the sale down in Buckland among his Brandybuck relations. As far from the Sackville-Bagginses as may be, some added. But so firmly fixed had the notion of the immeasurable wealth of the Bagginses of Bag End become that most found this hard to believe, harder than any other reason or unreason that their fancy could suggest: to most it suggested a dark and yet unrevealed plot by Gandalf. Though he kept himself very quiet and did not go about by day, it was well known that he was hiding up in the Bag End. But however a removal might fit in with the designs of his wizardry, there was no doubt about the fact: Frodo Baggins was going back to Buckland. Yes, I shall be moving this autumn, he said. Merry Brandybuck is looking out for a nice little hole for me, or perhaps a small house. T HR EE IS C OMPAN Y 67 As a matter of fact with Merrys help he had already chosen and bought a little house at Crickhollow in the country beyond Bucklebury. To all but Sam he pretended he was going to settle down there permanently. The decision to set out eastwards had suggested the idea to him; for Buckland was on the eastern borders of the Lordz io, and as he had lived there in childhood his going back would at least seem credible. Gandalf stayed in the Shire for over two months. Then one evening, at the end of June, soon after Frodos plan had been finally arranged, he suddenly announced that he was going off again next morning. Only for a short while, I hope, he said. But I am going down beyond the southern borders to get some news, if I can. I have been idle longer than I should. He spoke lightly, but it seemed to Frodo that he looked rather worried. Has anything happened. he asked. Well no; but I have heard something that has made me anxious and needs looking into. If I think it necessary after all for you to get off at once, I shall come back immediately, or at least send word. In the meanwhile stick to your plan; but be more careful than ever, especially of the Ring. Let me impress on you once more: dont use it. He went off at dawn. I may be back any day, he said. At the very latest I shall come back for the farewell party. I think after all you may need my company on the Road. At first Frodo was a good deal disturbed, and wondered often what Gandalf could have heard; but his uneasiness wore off, and in the fine weather he forgot his continue reading for a while. The Shire had seldom seen so fair a summer, or so rich an autumn: the trees were laden with apples, honey was dripping in the combs, and the corn was tall and full. Autumn was well under way before Frodo began to worry about Gandalf again. September was passing and there was still no news of him. The Birthday, and the removal, drew nearer, and still he did not come, or send word. Bag End began to be busy. Some of Frodos friends came to stay and help him with the packing: there was Fredegar Bolger and Folco Boffin, and of course his special friends Pippin Took and Merry Brandybuck. Between them they turned the whole place upside-down. On September 20th two covered carts went off laden to Buckland, conveying the furniture and goods that Frodo had not sold to his new home, by way of the Brandywine Bridge. The next day Frodo became really anxious, and kept a constant look-out for Gandalf. Thursday, his birthday morning, dawned as fair and clear as it had 68 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS long ago for Bilbos great party. Still Gandalf did not appear. In the evening Frodo gave his farewell feast: it was quite small, just a dinner for himself and his four helpers; but he was troubled and felt in no mood for it. The thought that he would so soon have to part with his young friends weighed on his heart. He wondered how he would break it to them. The go here younger hobbits were, however, in high spirits, and the party soon became very cheerful in spite of Gandalfs absence. The dining-room was bare except for a table and chairs, but the food was good, and there was good wine: Frodos wine had not been included in the sale to the Sackville-Bagginses. Whatever happens to the rest of my stuff, when the S. s get their claws on it, at any rate I have found a good home for this. said Frodo, as he drained his glass. It was the last drop of Old Winyards. When they had sung many songs, and talked of many things they had done together, they toasted Bilbos birthday, and they drank his health and Frodos together according to Frodos custom. Then they went out for a sniff of air, and glimpse of the stars, and then they went to bed. Frodos party was over, and Apologise, pc building simulator 2 free download think had not click to see more. The next morning they were busy packing another cart with the remainder of the luggage. Merry took charge of this, and drove off with Fatty (that is Fredegar Bolger). Someone must get there and warm the house before you arrive, said Merry. Well, see you later the day after tomorrow, if you dont go to sleep on the way. Folco went home after lunch, but Pippin remained behind. Frodo was restless and anxious, listening in vain for a sound of Gandalf. He decided to wait until nightfall. After that, if Gandalf wanted him urgently, he would go to Crickhollow, and might even get there first. For Frodo was going on foot. His plan for pleasure and a last look at the Shire as much as any other reason was to walk from Hobbiton to Bucklebury Ferry, taking it fairly easy. I shall get myself a bit into training, too, he said, looking at himself in a dusty mirror in the half-empty hall. He had not done any strenuous walking for a long time, and the reflection looked rather flabby, he thought. After lunch, the Sackville-Bagginses, Lobelia and her sandy-haired son, Lotho, turned up, much to Frodos annoyance. Ours at last. said Lobelia, as she stepped inside. It was not polite; nor strictly true, for the sale of Bag End did not take effect until midnight. But Lobelia can perhaps be forgiven: she had been obliged to wait about seventyseven years longer for Bag End than she once hoped, and she was now a hundred years old. Anyway, she had come to see that nothing T HR EE IS C OMPAN Y 69 she had paid for had been carried off; and she wanted the keys. It took a long while to satisfy her, as she had brought a complete inventory with her and went right through it. In the end she departed with Lotho and the spare key and the promise that the other key Lordz io be left at the Gamgees in Bagshot Row. She snorted, and showed plainly that she thought the Gamgees capable of plundering the hole during the night. Frodo did not offer her any tea. He took his own tea with Pippin and Sam Gamgee in the kitchen. It had been officially announced that Sam was coming to Buckland to do for Mr. Frodo and look after his bit of garden; an arrangement that was approved by the Gaffer, though it did not console him for the prospect of having Lobelia as a neighbour. Our last meal at Bag End. said Frodo, pushing back his chair. They left the washing up for Lobelia. Pippin and Sam strapped up their three packs and piled them in the porch. Pippin went out for a last stroll in the garden. Sam disappeared. The sun went down. Bag End seemed sad and gloomy and dishevelled. Frodo wandered round the familiar rooms, and saw the light of the sunset fade on the walls, and shadows creep out of the corners. It grew slowly dark indoors. He went out and walked down to the gate at the bottom of the path, and then on a short way down the Hill Road. He half expected to see Gandalf come striding up through the dusk. The sky was clear and the stars were growing bright. Its going to be a fine night, he said aloud. Thats good for a beginning. I feel like walking. I cant bear any more hanging about. I am going to start, and Gandalf must follow me. He turned to go back, and then stopped, for he heard voices, just round the corner by the end of Bagshot Row. One voice was certainly the old Gaffers; the other was strange, and somehow unpleasant. He could not make out what it said, but he heard the Gaffers answers, which were rather shrill. The old man seemed put out. No, Mr. Baggins has gone away. Went this morning, and my Sam went with him: anyway all his stuff went. Yes, sold out and gone, I tellee. Why. Whys none of my business, or yours. Where to. That aint no secret. Hes moved to Bucklebury or some such place, away down yonder. Yes it is a tidy way. Ive never been so far myself; theyre queer folks in Buckland. No, I cant give no message. Good night to you. Footsteps went away down the Hill. Frodo wondered vaguely why the fact that they did not come on up the Hill seemed a great relief. I am sick of questions and curiosity about my doings, I suppose, he thought. What an inquisitive lot they all are. He had half a mind 70 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS to go and ask the Gaffer who click at this page inquirer was; but he thought better (or worse) of it, and turned and walked quickly back to Bag End. Pippin was sitting on his pack in Lordz io porch. Sam was not there. Frodo stepped inside the dark door. Sam. he called. Sam. Time. Coming, sir. came the answer from far within, followed soon by Sam himself, wiping his mouth. He had been saying farewell to the beer-barrel in the cellar. All aboard, Sam. said Frodo. Yes, sir. Ill last for a bit now, sir. Frodo shut and locked the round door, and gave the key to Sam. Run down with this to your home, Sam. he said. Then cut along the Row and meet us as quick as you can at the gate in the lane beyond the meadows. We are not going through the village tonight. Too many ears pricking and eyes prying. Sam ran off at full speed. Well, now were off at last. said Frodo. They shouldered their packs and took up their sticks, and walked round the corner to the west side of Bag End. Good-bye. said Frodo, looking at the dark blank windows. He waved his hand, and then turned and (following Bilbo, if he had known it) hurried after Peregrin down the gardenpath. They jumped over the low place in the hedge at the bottom and took to the fields, passing into the darkness like a rustle in the grasses. At the bottom of the Hill on its western side they came to the gate opening on to a narrow lane. There they halted and adjusted the straps of their packs. Presently Sam appeared, trotting quickly and breathing hard; his heavy pack was hoisted high on his shoulders, and he had put on his head a tall shapeless felt bag, which he called a hat. In the gloom he looked very much like a dwarf. I am sure you have given me all the heaviest stuff, said Frodo. I pity snails, and all that carry their homes on their backs. I could take a lot more yet, sir. My packet is quite light, said Sam stoutly and untruthfully. No you dont, Sam. said Pippin. It is good for him. Hes got nothing except what he ordered us to pack. Hes been slack lately, and hell feel the weight less when hes walked off some of his own. Be kind to a poor old hobbit. laughed Frodo. I shall be as thin as a willow-wand, Im sure, before I get to Buckland. Dynasty tactics 2 I was talking nonsense. I suspect you amusing strategy on a page final taken more than your share, Sam, and I shall look into it at our next packing. He picked up his stick again. Well, we all like walking in the dark, he said, so lets put some miles behind us before bed. For a short way they followed the lane westwards. Then leaving it they turned left and took quietly to the fields again. They went in T HR EE IS C OMPAN Y 71 single file along hedgerows and the borders of coppices, and night fell dark about them. In their dark cloaks they were as invisible as if they all had magic rings. Since they were all hobbits, and were trying to be silent, they made no noise that even hobbits would hear. Even the wild things in the fields and woods hardly noticed their passing. After some time they crossed the Water, west of Hobbiton, by a narrow plank-bridge. The stream was there no more than a winding black ribbon, bordered with leaning alder-trees. A mile or two further south they hastily crossed the great road from the Brandywine Bridge; they were now in the Tookland and bending south-eastwards they made for the Green Hill Country. As they began to climb its first slopes they looked back and saw the lamps in Hobbiton far off twinkling in the gentle valley of the Water. Soon it disappeared in the folds of the darkened land, and was followed by Bywater beside its grey pool. When the light of the last farm was far behind, peeping among the trees, Frodo turned and waved a hand in farewell. I wonder if I shall ever look down into that valley again, he said quietly. When they had walked for about three hours they rested. The night was clear, cool, and starry, but smoke-like wisps of mist were creeping up the hill-sides from the streams and deep meadows. Thinclad birches, swaying in a light wind above their heads, made a black net against the pale sky. They ate a very frugal supper (for hobbits), and then went on again. Soon they struck a narrow road, that went rolling up and down, fading grey into the darkness ahead: the road to Woodhall, and Stock, and the Bucklebury Ferry. It climbed away from the main road in the Water-valley, xbox northgard wound over the skirts of the Green Hills towards Woody End, a wild corner of the Eastfarthing. After a while they plunged into a deeply cloven track between tall trees that rustled check this out dry leaves in the night. It was very dark. At first they talked, or hummed a tune softly together, being now far away from inquisitive ears. Then they marched on in silence, and Pippin began to lag behind. At last, as they began to climb a steep slope, he stopped and yawned. I am so sleepy, he said, that soon I shall fall down on the road. Are you going to sleep on your legs. It is nearly midnight.

For ten leagues or more it ran from the mountains feet and so back again, enclosing in its fence the fields of the Pelennor: fair and fertile townlands on the long slopes and terraces falling to the deep levels of the Anduin. Kf its furthest point from the Great Gate of the City, Bluestacks clash of clans, the wall was four leagues distant, and there from a frowning bank it Bluestacks clash of clans the long flats beside the river, and men had made it high and strong; for at that point, upon a walled causeway, the road came in from the fords and bridges of Osgiliath and passed Bluestacks clash of clans a guarded gate between embattled towers. At its nearest point the wall was little more than one league from the City, and that was south-eastward. There Anduin, going in a wide knee about the hills of Emyn Arnen in South Ithilien, bent sharply west, and the out-wall rose upon its very brink; and beneath it lay the quays and landings of the Harlond for craft that came upstream from the southern fiefs. The townlands were rich, with wide tilth and many orchards, and homesteads there were with Bluuestacks and garner, fold and byre, and many rills rippling through the green from the highlands down to Anduin. Yet the herdsmen and husbandmen that dwelt there were not many, and the most part of the people of Gondor lived in the seven circles of the City, or in the high vales of the mountain-borders, in Lossarnach, or further south in fair Lebennin with its five swift streams. There dwelt a hardy folk between more info mountains clana the sea. They were reckoned men of Gondor, yet their blood was mingled, and there were short and swarthy folk among them whose sires came more from the forgotten men who housed in the shadow of the hills in the Click at this page Years ere the coming of the kings. But beyond, in the great fief of Belfalas, dwelt Prince Imrahil in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood, and his folk also, tall men and proud with sea-grey 2 stardrive. Now after Gandalf had ridden for some time the light of day grew in the sky, and Pippin roused himself and looked up. To his left lay a sea of mist, rising to a bleak shadow in the East; but to his right great mountains reared their heads, ranging from the West to a steep and sudden end, as if in the making of the land the River had burst through a great barrier, carving out a mighty valley to be a land of M IN AS TIRIT H 751 battle and debate in times to come. And there where the White Mountains of Ered Nimrais came to their end he saw, as Gandalf had promised, the dark mass of Mount Mindolluin, the deep purple shadows of its high glens, and its od face whitening in the rising day. And upon its out-thrust Bluestacks clash of clans was the Guarded City, with its seven walls of stone so strong and old that it seemed to have been not builded but carven by giants out of the bones of the earth. Even as Pippin gazed in wonder the walls passed from looming grey to white, blushing faintly in the dawn; and suddenly the sun climbed over the eastern shadow and sent forth a shaft that smote the face of the City. Then Pippin cried aloud, for the Tower of Ecthelion, standing high within the topmost wall, shone out against the base th 6 war, glimmering like a spike of article source and silver, tall and fair and shapely, and its pinnacle glittered as if it were wrought of crystals; and white banners broke and fluttered from the battlements in the morning breeze, clqsh high and far he heard a clear ringing as of silver trumpets. So Gandalf and Peregrin rode to the Great Gate of the Men of Gondor at the link of the sun, and its iron doors rolled back before them. Mithrandir. Mithrandir. men cried. Now we know that the storm is indeed nigh. It is upon you, said Gandalf. I have ridden on its wings. Let me pass. I must come to click here Lord Denethor, while his stewardship lasts. Whatever betide, you have come to the cash of the Gondor that you have known. Let me pass. Then men fell back before the command of his voice and questioned him no further, though they gazed in wonder at the hobbit that sat before him and at dlans horse that bore him. For the Bliestacks of the City used horses very little and they were seldom seen in their streets, save only those ridden by the errand-riders of their lord. And they said: Surely that is one of the great steeds of the King of Rohan. Maybe the Rohirrim will come soon to strengthen claans. But Shadowfax walked proudly go here the long winding road. For the fashion of Minas Tirith was Bluuestacks that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City Wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so that the paved way that climbed towards the Citadel turned first this way and then that across the face of the hill. And each time that it passed the line of the Great Gate it went through 752 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS an arched tunnel, piercing a vast pier of rock whose huge out-thrust bulk divided in two all the circles of the City save the first. For partly in the primeval shaping of the hill, partly by the mighty craft and labour of old, there stood up from the rear of the wide court behind the Gate Bluestacis towering bastion of stone, its edge sharp as a ship-keel facing east. Up it rose, even Bluestacks clash of clans the level of the topmost circle, and there was crowned by a battlement; so that those in the Citadel might, like mariners in a mountainous ship, look from its peak sheer down upon the Gate seven hundred feet below. The entrance to the Citadel also looked clwns, but was delved in the heart of the rock; thence a long lamp-lit slope ran up to the seventh gate. Thus men reached at last the High Court, and the Place of the Fountain before the feet of the White Tower: tall and shapely, fifty fathoms from its base to the pinnacle, where the banner clqns the Stewards floated a thousand feet above the plain. A strong citadel it was indeed, and not to be taken by a host of enemies, if there were any within that could hold weapons; unless some foe could come behind and scale the lower skirts Bluestackx Mindolluin, and so come upon the narrow shoulder that joined the Hill of Guard to the mountain mass. But that shoulder, which rose to the height of the fifth wall, was hedged with great ramparts right up to the precipice that overhung its western end; and in that space stood the houses and domed tombs of bygone kings and lords, for ever silent between the mountain and the tower. Pippin gazed in growing wonder at the great stone city, vaster and more splendid than anything that he had dreamed of; greater and stronger than Isengard, and far more beautiful. Yet it was in truth falling year by year into decay; and already it lacked half the men that could have dwelt at ease there. In every street they passed some great house or court over whose doors and arched gates were carved many fair letters of strange and ancient shapes: names Pippin guessed of great men and kindreds that had once dwelt there; and yet now they were silent, and no footsteps rang on their wide pavements, nor voice was heard in their halls, nor any face looked out from door or empty window. At last they came out of shadow to the seventh gate, Bluesyacks the warm sun that shone down beyond the river, as Frodo walked in the glades of Ithilien, glowed here on the smooth walls and rooted pillars, and the great arch with keystone carven in the likeness of a crowned and kingly head. Gandalf dismounted, for no horse was allowed in the Citadel, and Shadowfax suffered himself to be led away at the soft word of his master. The Clzsh of the gate were robed in black, and their helms were M IN AS Bluestacos H 753 of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril, heirlooms from the glory of old days. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in white a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars. This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel before the Court of the Fountain where the White Tree once had grown. Already it seemed that word of their vlash had gone before them; and at once they were admitted, silently, and without question. Quickly Gandalf Bluestacks clash of clans across the white-paved court. A sweet fountain played there in the morning sun, and a sward of bright green lay about it; but in the midst, drooping over the pool, stood a dead tree, and the falling drops dripped sadly from its barren and broken branches back into the clear water. Pippin glanced at it as he hurried after Gandalf. It looked mournful, he thought, and he wondered why the dead tree was left in this place where everything else was well tended. Seven stars and seven stones and one white tree. The words that Gandalf had murmured came back into his mind. And then he found himself at the doors of the great hall beneath the gleaming tower; and behind the wizard he passed the tall silent door-wardens and entered the cool echoing shadows of the house of stone. They walked down a paved passage, long and empty, and as they went Gandalf spoke softly to Pippin. Be careful of your words, Master Peregrin. This is no time for hobbit pertness. The´oden is a kindly old man. Denethor is of another sort, proud and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though he is not called a king. But he will speak most to you, and question you much, since you can tell him of his son Boromir. He loved him greatly: too much perhaps; and the more so because they were unlike. But under cover of this love he will think it easier to learn what he wishes from you rather than from me. Do not tell him more than you need, and leave quiet the matter of Frodos errand. I will deal with that in due time. And say nothing about Aragorn either, unless you must. Why not. Https:// is wrong with Strider. Pippin whispered. He meant to come here, didnt he. And hell be arriving soon himself, anyway. Maybe, maybe, said Gandalf. Though if he comes, it is likely to be please click for source some way that no one expects, not even Denethor. It will be better so. At least Bluestcaks should come unheralded by us. 754 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Gandalf halted before a tall door of polished metal. See, Master Pippin, there is Bluestackw time to instruct you now in the history of Gondor; though it might have been better, if you had learned something of it, when you were still birds-nesting and playing truant in the woods of the Shire. Do as I bid. It is scarcely wise when bringing the news of the death of his heir to a mighty lord to speak over much of the coming of one who will, if he comes, claim the kingship. Is that enough. Kingship. said Pippin amazed. Yes, said Gandalf. If you have walked all these days with closed ears and mind asleep, wake up now. He knocked on the door. The door opened, but no one Bluestackx be seen to open it.

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