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By Virisar


He looked up and the mist before his eyes cleared a little. There was Pippin. They were face to face in a narrow lane, and but for themselves it was empty. He rubbed his eyes. ´ Where is the king. he said. And Eowyn. Then he stumbled and sat down on a doorstep and began to weep again. They have gone up into the Citadel, said Pippin. I think you must have fallen asleep on your feet and taken the wrong turning. When we found that you were not with them, Gandalf sent me to look for you. Poor old Merry. How glad I am to see you again. Mobilelegenda you are worn out, and I wont bother you with any talk. But tell me, are you hurt, or wounded. No, said Merry. Well, no, I dont think so. But I cant use my T HE HO U SES O F HEALI NG 859 right arm, Pippin, not since Mobilelegdnds stabbed him. And my sword burned all away like a piece of wood. Pippins face was anxious. Well, you had better come with me as quick as you can, he said. I wish I could carry you. You arent fit to walk any further. They shouldnt puzzle games let you walk at all; but you must forgive them. So many dreadful things have happened in the City, Merry, that one poor hobbit coming in from the battle is easily overlooked. Its not always a misfortune being overlooked, said Merry. I was overlooked just now by no, no, I cant speak of it. Help me, Pippin. Its all going dark again, and my arm is so cold. Lean on me, Merry lad. said Pippin. Come now. Foot by foot. Its not far. Are you going to bury me. said Merry. No, indeed. said Pippin, trying to sound cheerful, though his heart was wrung with fear and pity. No, we are going to the Houses of Healing. They turned out Mobile,egends the lane that ran between tall Mboilelegends and the outer wall of the fourth circle, and they regained the main street climbing up to the Citadel. Step by step they went, while Merry swayed and murmured as one in sleep. Ill never get him there, thought Pippin. Is there no one to help me. I cant leave him here. Just then to his surprise a boy came running up behind, and as he passed he recognized Bergil Beregonds son. Hullo, Bergil. he called. Where are you going. Glad to see you again, and still alive. I am running errands for the Healers, said Bergil. I cannot stay. Dont. said Pippin. But tell them up there that I have a sick hobbit, a perian mind you, come from the battle-field. I dont think he can walk so far. If Mithrandir is there, he will be glad of the message. Bergil ran on. Id better wait here, thought Pippin. So he let Merry sink gently down on to the pavement in a patch of sunlight, and then he sat down beside him, laying Merrys head Mobilelegdnds his lap. He felt his Mobilelegends and limbs gently, and took his friends hands in his own. The right hand felt icy to the touch. It was not long before Gandalf himself came in search of them. He stooped over Merry and caressed his brow; then he lifted him carefully. He should have been borne in honour into this city, he said. He has well repaid my trust; for if Elrond had not yielded to me, neither of you would have set out; and then far more grievous would the evils of this day Mobilslegends been. Mobilelegenes sighed. And yet here is 860 T HE L ORD Mobjlelegends F THE R INGS another charge on my hands, while all the time the battle hangs in the balance. So at Mobildlegends last Faramir and Eowyn and Meriadoc were laid in beds in the Houses of Healing; and there they were tended well. For though all lore was in these latter days fallen from its fullness of old, the leechcraft of Gondor was still wise, and skilled Mobilelegendz the healing of wound and hurt, and all such sickness as east of the Sea mortal men were subject to. Save old age only. For that they Mobileelgends found Mobileldgends cure; and indeed the span of their lives had now waned to little more than that of other men, and those among them who passed the tale of Mobilelegenxs score years with vigour were grown Mobipelegends, save in some houses of purer blood. But now their art and knowledge were baffled; for there were many sick of a malady that would not be healed; and they called it the Black Shadow, for it came from the Nazguˆl. Moblielegends those who were stricken with it fell slowly into an ever Mobileldgends dream, and then passed to silence and a deadly cold, and so died. And it seemed to the tenders of the sick that on the Halfling and on the Lady of Rohan this malady lay heavily. Still Mobilellegends whiles as the morning wore away they would speak, murmuring in their dreams; and the watchers listened Mobikelegends all that they said, hoping perhaps to learn something that would help them to understand their hurts. But soon they began to Mobilelegneds down into the darkness, and as the sun turned west a grey shadow crept over their faces. But Faramir burned with a fever that would not abate. Gandalf went from one to the other full of care, and he was told all that the watchers could hear. And so the day passed, while the great battle outside went on with shifting hopes and strange Mobilelegenxs and still Gandalf waited and watched and did not go forth; till at last the red sunset filled all the sky, and the light through the windows fell on the grey faces of the sick. Then it seemed to Mobilrlegends who stood by that in the glow the faces flushed softly as with health returning, but it Mobileegends only a mockery of hope. Then an old wife, Ioreth, the eldest Mboilelegends the women who served in that house, looking on the fair face of Faramir, wept, for all the people loved him. And she said: Alas. if he should die. Would that there were kings in Gondor, as there were once upon a time, they say. For it is said in old lore: The hands of the king are the hands of a healer. And so the rightful king could ever be known. And Gandalf, who stood by, said: Men may long remember your words, Ioreth. For there is Mobilelebends in them. Maybe a king has indeed returned to Gondor; or have you not heard the strange tidings that have come to the City. I have been too busy with this and that to heed all the crying and T HE HO U SES O F HEALI NG 861 shouting, she answered. All I hope is that those murdering devils do not come to this House and trouble the sick. Then Gandalf went out in haste, and already the fire in the sky was burning out, and the smouldering hills were fading, while ashgrey evening crept over the fields. Now as ´ the sun went down Aragorn and Eomer and Imrahil drew near the City with their captains and knights; and when they came before the Gate Aragorn said: Behold the Sun setting in a great fire. It is a sign of the end and fall of many things, and a change in the tides of the world. But this City and realm has rested in the charge of the Stewards for many long years, and I fear that if I enter it click, then doubt and debate may arise, which should not be while this war is fought. I will not enter in, nor make any claim, until it be seen whether we or Mkbilelegends shall prevail. Men shall pitch my tents upon the field, Mobilelegenfs here I will await the welcome of the Lord of the City. But Eomer said: Already you have raised the banner of the Kings ´ and displayed the tokens of Elendils House. Will you suffer these to be challenged. Mobilekegends, said Aragorn. But I deem the time unripe; and I have no Mobilelegejds for strife except with our Enemy and his servants. And the Prince Imrahil said: Your words, lord, are wise, if one who is a kinsman of the Lord Denethor may counsel you in this matter. He is strong-willed and proud, but old; and his mood has been strange since his son was stricken down. Yet Mobileleggends would not have you remain like a beggar at the door. Not a beggar, said Aragorn. Say a captain of the Rangers, who are unused to cities and houses of stone. And he commanded that his banner should be furled; and he did off the Star of the North Kingdom and gave it to the keeping of the sons of Elrond. Then ´ the Prince Imrahil and Eomer of Rohan left him and passed through the City and the tumult of the people, and mounted to the Mobilelegends Mobilelegwnds they came to the Hall of the Tower, Mkbilelegends the Steward. But they found his chair empty, and before the dais lay The´oden King of the Mark upon a Mobileletends of state; and twelve torches stood about it, and twelve Mobulelegends, knights both of Rohan and Gondor. And the hangings of the bed were of green and white, but upon the king was laid the great cloth Mobipelegends gold up to his breast, and Mobiilelegends that his unsheathed sword, Mobilellegends at his feet Mboilelegends shield. The light of the torches shimmered in his white hair like sun in the spray of a fountain, but his face was fair and young, save that a peace lay on it beyond the reach of youth; and it seemed that he slept. 862 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS When they had stood silent for a Mobilekegends beside the king, Imrahil said: Where is the Steward. And where also is Mithrandir. And one of the guards answered: The Steward of Gondor is in the Houses of Healing. But Eomer ´ ´ said: Where is the Lady Eowyn, my sister; for surely she should be lying beside the king, and in no less honour. Where have they bestowed her. And ´ Mobipelegends said: But the Lady Eowyn was yet living when they bore her Mobiilelegends. Did you not know. Then hope unlooked-for came so suddenly to Eomers ´ heart, and with it the bite of care and fear renewed, that he said no more, but turned and went swiftly from the hall; and the Prince followed him. And when they came Mobilelegendds evening had fallen and many stars were in the sky. And there came Gandalf on foot and with him one cloaked in grey; and they met before the doors of the Houses of Healing. And they greeted Gandalf and said: We seek the Steward, and men say that he is in this House. Has any hurt befallen him. And the Lady Eowyn, where is she. ´ And Gandalf answered: She lies within and is not dead, but is near death. But the Lord Faramir was wounded by an evil dart, as you have heard, and he is now the Steward; for Denethor has departed, and his house is in ashes. And they were filled with grief and wonder at the tale that he told. But Imrahil said: So victory is shorn of gladness, and it is bitter bought, if both Gondor and Rohan are in one day bereft of their ´ lords. Eomer rules the Rohirrim. Who shall rule the City meanwhile. Shall we not send now for the Lord Aragorn. And the cloaked man spoke and said: He is come. And they saw as he stepped into the light of the lantern by the door that it was Aragorn, wrapped in the grey cloak of Lo´rien above his mail, and bearing no other token than the green stone of Galadriel. I have come because Gandalf begs me to do so, he said. Mobilelgends for the present I am but the Captain of the Du´nedain of Arnor; and the Lord of Dol Amroth Mobilelehends rule the City until Click at this page awakes. But it Mobilelegens my counsel that Gandalf should rule us all in the days that follow and in our dealings with the Enemy. And they agreed upon that. Then Gandalf said: Let Mboilelegends not stay at the door, for the time is urgent. Let us enter. For it is only in the coming of Aragorn that any hope remains for the sick that lie in the House. Thus spake Ioreth, wise-woman of Gondor: The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known. Then Mobilelegebds entered first and the others followed. And there at the door were two guards in the livery of the Citadel: one tall, but T HE HO U SES O F HEALI NG 863 the other scarce the height of a boy; and when he saw them he cried aloud in surprise and joy. Strider. How splendid. Do you know, I guessed it was you in the black ships. But they were all shouting corsairs and wouldnt listen to me. How did you do it. Aragorn laughed, and took the hobbit by the Moblielegends. Well met indeed. he said. But there is not time yet for travellers tales. But ´ Imrahil said to Eomer: Is it thus that we speak to our kings. Yet maybe he will wear his crown in some other name. And Aragorn hearing him, turned and said: Verily, for in the high tongue of old I am Mobilelegendd, the Elfstone, and Envinyatar, the Renewer: and he lifted from his breast the green stone that lay there. But Strider shall be the name of my house, if that be ever established. In the high tongue it will not sound so ill, and Telcontar I will be and all the heirs of my body. And with that they passed into the House; and as they went towards the rooms where the sick were tended Gandalf told of the deeds of Eowyn ´ and Meriadoc. For, he said, long have I stood by them, and at first they spoke much Mobileleyends their dreaming, before they sank into the deadly darkness. Also it is given to me to see many things far off. Aragorn went first to Faramir, and then All loto online really the Lady Eowyn, ´ Mobilelegnds last to Merry. When he had looked on the faces of the sick and seen their hurts he sighed. Here I must put forth Mobilelebends such power and skill as is given to me, he said. Would that Elrond were here, for he is the eldest of all our race, and has the Mobulelegends power. And E´ omer seeing that he was both sorrowful and weary said: First you must rest, surely, and at the least eat a little. But Aragorn answered: Nay, for these three, and most soon for Faramir, time is running out. All speed is needed. Then he called to Ioreth and he said: You have store in this House of the herbs of healing. Yes, lord, she answered; but not enough, I reckon, for all that will need them. But I am sure I do not know where we shall find more; for all things are amiss in these dreadful days, what with fires and Mobilelegemds, and the lads that run errands so few, and all the roads blocked. Why, it is days out of count since ever a carrier came in from Lossarnach to the market. But we do our best in this House with what we have, as I am sure your lordship will know. I will judge that when I see, said Aragorn. One thing also is short, time for speech. Have you athelas. I do not know, I am sure, lord, she answered, at least not by that name. I will go and ask of the herb-master; he knows all the old names. 864 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS It is also called kingsfoil, said Aragorn; and maybe you know it by that name, for so the country-folk call it in these latter days. Oh that. said Ioreth. Well, if your lordship had named it at first I could have told you. No, we have none of it, I am sure. Why, I have never heard that it had any great virtue; and indeed I have often said to my sisters when we Mobiilelegends upon it growing in the woods: kingsfoil, I said, tis a strange name, and I wonder why tis called so; for if I were a king, I would have plants more bright in my garden. Still it smells sweet when bruised, does it not. If sweet is the right word: wholesome, maybe, is nearer. Wholesome verily, said Aragorn. And now, dame, if you love the Lord Faramir, run as quick as your tongue and get me kingsfoil, if there is a leaf in the City. And if not, said Gandalf, I will ride to Lossarnach with Ioreth behind me, and she shall take me to the woods, but not to her sisters. And Shadowfax shall show her the meaning of haste. When Ioreth was gone, Aragorn bade the other women to Mobklelegends water hot. Then he took Faramirs hand in his, and laid the other hand upon the sick mans brow. It was drenched with sweat; but Faramir did not move or make any sign, and seemed hardly to breathe. He is nearly spent, said Aragorn turning to Gandalf. But this comes not from the wound. See. that is healing. Had he been smitten by some dart of the Nazguˆl, as you thought, he would have died that night. This hurt was given by some Moobilelegends arrow, I would guess. Who drew it forth. Was it kept. I drew it forth, said Imrahil, and staunched the wound. But I did not keep the arrow, for we had much to do. It was, as Mobileoegends remember, just such a dart as the Southrons use. Yet I believed that it came from the Shadows above, for else his fever and sickness were not to be understood; since the wound was not deep or vital. How then do you read the matter. Weariness, grief for his fathers mood, a wound, and over all the Black Breath, said Aragorn. He Mibilelegends a man of staunch will, for already he had come close under the Shadow before ever he rode to battle on the out-walls. Slowly the dark must have crept on him, even as he fought and strove to hold his outpost. Would that I could have been here sooner. Thereupon the herb-master entered. Your lordship asked for kingsfoil, as the rustics name it, he said; or athelas in the noble tongue, or Mobilekegends those who Mobilelegendd somewhat of the Valinorean. I do so, said Aragorn, and I care not whether you say now ase¨a aranion or kingsfoil, so long as you have some. T HE Moblelegends U SES Mobilrlegends F HEALI NG 865 Your pardon lord. said the man. I see you are a lore-master, not merely a captain of war. But alas. sir, we do not keep this thing Mobilelegenvs the Houses of Healing, where only the gravely hurt or sick are tended. For it has no virtue that we know of, save perhaps to sweeten a fouled, or to Mobilelegrnds away some passing heaviness. Unless, of course, you give heed to rhymes of old Mobilelgeends which women such as our good Ioreth still repeat without understanding. When the black breath blows and deaths shadow grows and Mobileelgends lights pass, come athelas. come athelas. Life to the dying In the kings hand lying. It is but a doggrel, I fear, garbled in the memory of old wives. Its meaning I leave to your judgement, if indeed it has any. But old folk still use an infusion of Mobilelfgends herb for headaches. Then Mogilelegends the name of the king, go and find some Mobileleggends man of less lore and more wisdom who keeps some in his house. cried Gandalf. Now Aragorn knelt beside Faramir, and held a hand upon his brow. And those that watched felt that some great struggle was going on. For Aragorns face grew grey with weariness; and ever and anon he called the name of Faramir, but each time more faintly to their hearing, as if Aragorn himself was removed from them, and walked afar in some dark vale, calling for one that was lost. And at last Bergil came running in, and he bore six leaves in a cloth. It is kingsfoil, Mobilelegenes, he said; but not fresh, I fear.

Where now would you be going. And why do you come here. To see how your work goes, my friend, said Gandalf, and to thank you for your aid in all that has been achieved. Hoom, well, that is fair enough, said Treebeard; for to be sure Ents have played their part. And not only in dealing with that, hoom, that accursed tree-slayer that dwelt here. For there was a great inrush of those, bura´rum, those evileyed-blackhanded-bowlegged-flinthearted-clawfingered-foulbellied-bloodthirsty, morimaite-sincahonda, hoom, well, since you are hasty folk and their full name is as long as years of torment, those vermin of orcs; and they came over the River and down from the North and all round the wood of Laurelindo´renan, which they could not get into, thanks to the Great ones who are here. He bowed to the Lord and Lady of Lo´rien. And these same foul creatures were more than surprised to meet us out on the Wold, Jagged alliance 3 they had not heard of us before; though that might be said also of better folk. And not many will remember us, for not many escaped us alive, and the River had most of those. But it was well for you, for if they had not met us, then the king of the grassland would not have ridden far, and if he had there would have been no home to return to. We know it well, said Aragorn, and never shall it be forgotten in Minas Tirith or in Edoras. Never is too long a word even for me, said Treebeard. Not while your kingdoms last, you mean; but they will have to last long indeed to seem long to Ents. The New Xcom 1994 begins, said Gandalf, and in this age it may well prove that the Jagged alliance 3 of Men shall outlast you, Fangorn my friend. 980 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS But now come tell me: what of the task that I set you. How is Saruman. Is click the following article not weary of Orthanc yet. For I do not suppose that he will think you have improved the view from his windows. Treebeard gave Gandalf a long look, almost a cunning look, Merry thought. he said. I thought you would come to that. Weary of Orthanc. Very weary at last; but not so weary of his tower as he was weary of my voice. Hoom. I gave him some long tales, or at least what might be thought long in your speech. Then why did he stay to listen. Did you go into Orthanc. asked Gandalf. Hoom, no, not into Orthanc. said Treebeard. But he came to his window and listened, because he could not get news in any other way, and though he hated the news, he was greedy to have it; and I saw that he heard it all. But I added a great many things to the news that it was good for him to think of. He grew very weary. He always was hasty. That was his ruin. I observe, my good Fangorn, said Gandalf, that with great care you say dwelt, was, grew. What about is. Is he dead. No, not dead, so far as I know, said Treebeard. But he is gone. Yes, he is gone seven days. I let him go. There was little left of him when he crawled out, and as for that worm-creature of his, he was like a pale shadow. Now do not tell me, Gandalf, that I promised to keep him safe; for I know it. But things have changed since then. And I kept him until he was safe, safe from doing any more harm. You should know that above all I hate the caging of live things, and I will not keep even such creatures as these caged beyond great need. A Jagged alliance 3 without fangs may Jagged alliance 3 where he will. You may be right, said Gandalf; but this snake had still one tooth left, I think. He had the poison of his voice, and I guess that he persuaded you, even you Treebeard, knowing the soft spot in your heart. Well, he is gone, and there is no more to be said. But the Tower of Orthanc now stronghold crusader back to the King, to whom it belongs. Though maybe he will not need it. That will be seen later, said Aragorn. But I will give to Ents all this valley to do with as they will, so long as they keep a watch upon Orthanc and see that none enter it without my leave. It is locked, said Treebeard. I made Saruman lock it and give me the keys. Quickbeam has them. Quickbeam bowed like a tree bending in the wind and handed to Aragorn two great black keys of intricate shape, joined by a ring of steel. Now I thank you once more, said Aragorn, and I bid you farewell. May your forest grow again in peace. When this valley is filled there is room and to spare west of the mountains, where once you walked long ago. M AN Y PART INGS 981 Treebeards face became sad. Forests may grow, he said. Jagged alliance 3 may spread. But not Ents. There are no Entings. Yet maybe there is now more hope in your search, said Aragorn. Lands will lie open to you eastward that have long been closed. But Treebeard shook his head and said: It is far to go. And there are too many Men there in these days. But I am forgetting my manners. Will you stay here and rest a while. And maybe there are some that would be pleased to pass through Fangorn Forest and so shorten their road home. He looked at Celeborn and Galadriel. But all save Legolas said that they must now take their leave and depart either south or west. Come, Gimli. said Legolas. Now by Fangorns leave I will visit the deep places of the Entwood and see such trees as are nowhere else to be found in Middle-earth. You shall come with me and keep your word; and thus we will journey on together to our own lands in Mirkwood and beyond. To this Gimli agreed, though with no great delight, it seemed. Here then at last comes the ending of the Fellowship of the Ring, said Aragorn. Yet I hope that ere long you will return to my land with the help that you promised. We will come, if our own lords allow it, said Gimli. Well, farewell, my hobbits. You should come safe to your own homes now, and I shall not be kept awake for fear of your peril. We will send word when we may, and some of us may yet meet at times; but I fear that we shall not all be gathered together ever again. Then Treebeard said farewell to each of them in turn, and he bowed three times slowly and with great reverence to Celeborn and Galadriel. Jagged alliance 3 is long, long since we met by stock or by stone, A vanimar, vanima´lion nostari. he said. It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air.

Video on the topic Mobilelegends

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