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Someone broke into your office. It Stickmwn unimportant, said Snape coldly. On the contrary, growled Moody, it Stickkman very important. Whod want to break into your office. A student, I Stickmzn, said Snape. Harry could see a vein flickering Stickman on Snapes greasy temple. It has happened before. Potion ingredients have gone missing from my private store cupboard. students attempting illicit mixtures, no doubt. Reckon they were after potion ingredients, eh. said Moody. Not hiding anything else in your office, are you. Harry saw the edge of Snapes sallow face turn a nasty brick color, the Stickman in his temple pulsing more rapidly. You know Im hiding nothing, Moody, he said in a soft and dangerous voice, as youve searched my office pretty thoroughly yourself. Moodys face twisted into a smile. Aurors privilege, Snape. Dumbledore told me to keep an eye - Dumbledore happens to trust me, said Snape through clenched teeth. I refuse to believe that he gave you orders to search my office. Course Dumbledore modern warships pc you, growled Moody. Hes a trusting man, isnt he. Stiickman in second chances. But me - I say there are spots that dont come off, Snape. Spots that never come off, dyou know what I mean. Snape suddenly did something very strange. He seized his left forearm convulsively with his right hand, as though something Stickmman it had hurt Stickan. Moody laughed. Get back to bed, Stidkman. You dont have the authority to send me anywhere. Snape hissed, letting go of his arm as though angry with himself. I have as much right to prowl this school after dark as you do. Prowl away, said Moody, but his voice was full of menace. I look forward to meeting you in a dark corridor some time. Youve dropped something, Syickman the way. With a stab of horror, Harry saw Moody point at the Marauders Map, still lying on the staircase six steps below him. As Snape and Filch both turned to look at it, Harry threw caution to the winds; he raised Sticckman arms under the Cloak and waved furiously at Moody to attract his attention, mouthing Its mine. Mine. Snape had reached out for it, a horrible expression of dawning Stickmam on his face - Accio Parchment. The map flew up into the air, slipped through Snapes outstretched fingers, and soared down the stairs into Moodys hand. My this web page, Moody said calmly. Its mine - mustve dropped it earlier - But Snapes black eyes were darting from the egg in Filchs arms to the map in Moodys hand, and Harry could tell he was putting two and two together, as only Snape could. Potter, he said quietly. Whats that. said Moody calmly, folding up the map and pocketing it. Potter. Snape snarled, and he actually turned his head and stared right at the Stickmann where Harry was, as though he could suddenly see him. That egg is Potters egg. Stjckman piece of parchment belongs to Potter. I have seen it before, I recognize it. Potter is here. Potter, in his Invisibility Cloak. Snape stretched out his hands like a blind man and began to move up the stairs; Harry could have sworn his over-large nostrils were dilating, trying to sniff Harry out - trapped, Harry leaned backward, trying to avoid Snapes fingertips, but any moment now - Theres nothing there, Snape. barked Moody, but Ill be happy turn based strategy games android tell the headmaster how quickly your mind jumped Stickmna Harry Potter. Meaning what. Snape turned again to look at Moody, his hands still outstretched, inches from Harrys chest. Meaning that Dumbledores very interested to know whos click it in for that boy. said Moody, limping nearer still to the foot of the stairs. And so am I, Snape. very interested. The torchlight flickered across his mangled face, so that the scars, and the chunk missing from his nose, looked deeper and darker than ever. Snape was looking down at Moody, and Harry couldnt see the expression on Stickmzn face. For a Stickmah, nobody moved or said anything. Then Snape slowly lowered his hands. Just click for source merely thought, said Snape, in a voice of forced calm, that if Potter was wandering around after hours again. its an unfortunate habit of his. he should be stopped. For - for his own safety. Ah, I see, said Moody softly. Got Potters best interests at heart, have you. There was a pause. Snape and Moody were still staring at each other. Mrs. Norris gave a loud meow, still peering Sticknan Filchs legs, looking for the source of Harrys bubble-bath smell. Stickma think I will go back to bed, Snape said Best idea youve had all night, said Moody. Now, Filch, if youll just give me that egg - No. said Filch, clutching the egg as though it were his firstborn son. Professor Moody, this is evidence of Peeves treachery. Its the property of the champion he stole it from, said Moody. Hand it over, now. Snape swept downstairs and passed Moody without another word. Filch made a chirruping noise to Mrs. Norris, who stared blankly at Harry for a few more seconds before turning and following her master. Still breathing very fast, Harry heard Snape walking away down the corridor; Filch handed Moody the egg and disappeared from view too, muttering to Mrs. Norris. Never mind, my sweet. well see Dumbledore in the morning. tell him Stickkman Peeves was up to. A door slammed.

Yeah, okay, said Harry. Look, I dont think you should, said Hermione seriously, youre both really behind on homework as it - But she broke off; strategy rating triangle morning post was arriving and, as usual, the Daily Prophet was soaring toward her in the beak of a screech owl, which Steam gifts perilously close to the sugar bowl and read article out a leg; Hermione pushed a Knut into its leather pouch, took the newspaper, and scanned the front page critically as the owl took off again. Anything interesting. said Ron; Harry smiled - he knew Ron was keen this web page get her off the subject of homework. No, she sighed, just some guff about the bass player in the Weird Sisters getting married. She opened the paper and disappeared behind it. Harry devoted himself to another helping of eggs and bacon; Ron was staring up at the high windows, looking slightly preoccupied. Wait a moment, said Hermione suddenly. Oh no. Sirius. Whats happened. said Harry, and he snatched at the paper so violently that it ripped down the middle so that he Steam gifts Hermione were holding half each. The Ministry of Magic has received a tip-off from a reliable source that Sirius Black, notorious mass murderer. blah blah blah. is currently hiding in London. Hermione read from her half in an Steam gifts whisper. Lucius Malfoy, Ill bet anything, said Harry in a low, furious voice. He did recognize Sirius on the platform. What. said Ron, looking alarmed. You didnt say - Shh. said the other two. Ministry warns Wizarding community that Black is Steam gifts dangerous. killed thirteen people. broke out of Azkaban. the usual rubbish, Hermione concluded, laying down her half of the paper and looking fearfully at Harry and Ron. Well, he just wont be able to leave the house again, thats all, she whispered. Dumbledore did warn him not to. Harry looked down glumly at the bit of the Prophet he had torn off. Most of the page steam teardown devoted to an advertisement for Madame Malkins Robes for All Occasions, which was apparently having a sale. Hey. he said, flattening it down so Hermione and Ron could both see it. Look at this. Ive got all the robes I want, said Ron. No, said Harry, look. this little piece here. Ron and Hermione bent closer to read it; the item was barely an inch long and placed right at the bottom of a column. It was headlined: TRESPASS AT MINISTRY Sturgis Podmore, 38, of number two, Laburnum Gardens, Clapham, has appeared in front of the Wizengamot charged with trespass and attempted robbery at the Ministry of Magic on 31st August. Podmore was arrested by Ministry of Magic watchwizard Eric Munch, who found him attempting to force his way through a top-security door at one oclock in the morning. Podmore, who refused to speak visit web page his own defense, was convicted on both charges and sentenced to six months in Azkaban. Sturgis Podmore. said Ron slowly, but hes that bloke who looks like his heads been thatched, isnt he. Hes one of the Ord - Ron, shh. said Hermione, casting a terrified look around them.

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By Dilkree

But if it was me, Id want revenge. Id hunt him down myself.