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By Kagakus


Good lord, I thought shed had it then. Ten minutes later, Harry heard the crowd erupt into applause once more. Fleur must have been successful too. A pause, while Fleurs marks were being shown. more clapping. then, for the third time, the whistle. And here comes Mr. Krum. cried Bagman, and Krum slouched out, leaving Harry quite alone. He felt much more aware of his body than usual; very aware of the way his heart was pumping fast, and his fingers tingling Clashfest fear. yet at the same time, he seemed to be outside himself, seeing the walls of the tent, and hearing the crowd, as though from far away. Very daring. Bagman was yelling, and Harry heard the Chinese Fireball emit a horrible, roaring shriek, while the crowd drew its Clashfext breath. Thats some nerve hes showing - and - yes, hes got the egg. Applause shattered the wintery air like breaking glass; Krum had finished - it would be Harrys turn any moment. He stood up, noticing dimly that his Clahfest seemed to be made of marshmallow. He waited. And then he heard the whistle blow. He walked out through the entrance of the Clashfest, the panic rising into a crescendo inside him. And now he was walking past the trees, through a gap in the enclosure fence. He saw everything in front of him as though it was a very highly colored dream. There were hundreds and hundreds of faces staring down at him from stands that had been magicked there since hed last stood on this spot. And there was the Horntail, at the other end of the enclosure, crouched low over her clutch of eggs, her wings half-furled, her evil, yellow eyes upon him, a monstrous, scaly, black lizard, thrashing her spiked tail, leaving yard-long gouge marks in the hard ground. The crowd was making a great deal of noise, but whether friendly or not, Harry Clashfest know or care. It was time to do what he had to do. to focus his mind, entirely and absolutely, upon the thing that was his only chance. He raised his wand. Accio Firebolt. Clashfesg shouted. Harry waited, every fiber of him hoping, praying. If it hadnt worked. if it wasnt coming. He seemed to be looking at everything around him through some sort of shimmering, transparent barrier, like a heat haze, which made the enclosure and the hundreds of faces around him swim strangely. And then he heard it, speeding through the air behind him; he turned and saw his Firebolt hurtling toward him around the edge of the woods, soaring into the enclosure, and stopping dead in midair beside him, waiting for him to mount. The crowd was making even more noise. Bagman was shouting something. but Harrys ears were not working properly anymore. listening wasnt important. He swung his leg over the broom and kicked off from the ground. And a second later, something miraculous happened. As he soared upward, as the wind rushed through his hair, as the crowds faces became mere flesh-colored pinpricks below, and the Horntail shrank to the size of a dog, he realized that he had left not only the ground behind, but also his fear. He was back where he belonged. This was just another Quidditch match, that was all. just another Quidditch match, and that Horntail was just another ugly opposing team. He looked down at the clutch of eggs and spotted the gold one, gleaming against its cement-colored fellows, residing safely between the dragons front legs. Okay, Harry told himself, diversionary tactics. lets go. He dived. The Horntails head followed him; he knew what it was going to do and pulled out of the dive just in time; a jet of fire had been released exactly where he would have been Clashfeat he not swerved away. but Harry didnt care. that was no more than dodging a Bludger. Great Scott, he can fly. yelled Bagman as the crowd shrieked and gasped. Are you watching this, Mr. Krum. Harry soared higher in a circle; the Horntail was still following his progress; its head revolving on its long neck - Clashfesf he kept this up, it would be nicely dizzy - but better not push it too long, or it would Ckashfest breathing fire again - Harry plummeted just as the Horntail opened its mouth, but this time he was less lucky - he missed the flames, but the tail came whipping up to meet him instead, and as he swerved to the left, one of the long spikes grazed his shoulder, ripping his robes - He could feel it stinging, he could hear screaming and groans from the crowd, but the cut didnt seem to be deep. Now he zoomed around the back of Cpashfest Horntail, and a possibility occurred to him. The Horntail didnt seem to want to take off, she was too protective of her eggs. Though she writhed and twisted, furling and unfurling her wings and keeping those fearsome yellow eyes on Harry, she was afraid to move too far from them. but he had to persuade her to do it, or hed never continue reading near them. The trick was to do it carefully, gradually. He began to fly, first this way, then the other, not near enough to make her breathe fire to stave him off, but still posing a sufficient threat to ensure she kept her eyes on him. Her head swayed this way and that, watching him out of those vertical pupils, her fangs bared. He flew higher. The Horntails head rose with him, her neck now stretched to its fullest extent, still swaying, like a snake before its charmer. Harry rose a few more feet, and she let out a roar of exasperation. He was like a fly to her, a fly she was longing to swat; her tail click at this page again, but he was too high to reach now. She shot fire into the air, which he dodged. Her jaws opened wide. Come on, Harry hissed, swerving tantalizingly above her, come on, come and get me. up you get now. And then she reared, spreading her great, black, leathery wings at last, as wide as those of a small airplane - and Harry dived. Before the dragon knew what he had done, or where he had disappeared to, he was speeding toward the ground as fast as he could go, toward the eggs now unprotected by her clawed front legs - he had taken his hands off his Firebolt - he had seized the golden egg - And with a huge spurt of speed, he was off, he was soaring out over the stands, the heavy egg safely under his uninjured arm, and it was as though somebody had just turned the volume back up - for the first time, he became properly aware of the noise of the crowd, which was screaming and applauding as loudly as the Irish supporters at the World Cup - Look at that. Bagman was yelling. Will you look at that. Our youngest champion is quickest to get his egg. Well, this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter. Harry saw the dragon keepers rushing forward to subdue the Horntail, and, over at the entrance to the enclosure, Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody, and Hagrid hurrying to meet him, all of them waving him toward them, their smiles evident even from this distance. He flew back over the stands, the noise of the crowd pounding his eardrums, and came in smoothly to land, his heart lighter than it had been in weeks. He had got through the first task, he had survived. That was excellent, Potter. cried Professor McGonagall as he got off the Firebolt Claxhfest which from her was extravagant praise. He noticed that her hand shook as she pointed at his shoulder. Youll need to see Madam Pomfrey before the judges give out your score. Over there, shes had to mop up Diggory already. Yeh did it, Harry. said Hagrid hoarsely. Yeh did it. An agains the Horntail an all, an yeh know Charlie said that was the wors - Thanks, Hagrid, said Harry loudly, so that Hagrid wouldnt blunder Clashfrst and reveal that he had shown Harry the dragons beforehand. Professor Moody looked very pleased too; his magical eye was dancing in its socket. Nice and easy does the trick, Potter, he growled. Right then, Potter, the first aid tent, please. said Professor McGonagall. Harry walked out of the enclosure, still panting, and saw Madam Pomfrey Clashfsst at the mouth of a second tent, looking worried. Dragons. she said, in a disgusted tone, pulling Harry inside. The tent was divided into cubicles; he could make out Cedrics shadow through the canvas, but Cedric didnt seem to be badly injured; he was sitting up, at least. Madam Clahfest examined Harrys shoulder, talking furiously all the while. Last year dementors, this year dragons, what are they going to bring into this school next. Youre very lucky. this is quite shallow. itll need cleaning before I heal it up, though. She cleaned the cut with a dab of some purple liquid that smoked and stung, but then poked his shoulder with her Clasgfest, and he felt it heal instantly. Now, just sit quietly for a minute - sit. And then you can go and get your score. She bustled out of the tent and he heard her go next door and say, How does it feel now, Diggory. Harry didnt want to sit still: He was too Clasbfest of adrenaline. He got to his feet, wanting to see what was going on outside, but before hed reached the mouth of the tent, two people had come darting inside - Hermione, followed closely by Ron. Harry, you were brilliant. Hermione said squeakily. There were fingernail marks on her face where she had been clutching it in fear. You were amazing. You really were. But Harry was looking at Ron, who was very white and staring at Harry as though he Clashfet a ghost. Harry, he said, very seriously, Clashfest put your name in that Clashfeet - I Cllashfest I reckon theyre trying strategy retail do you in. It was as though the last few weeks had never happened - as though Ww2 simulation game were meeting Ron for the first time, right after hed been made champion. Caught on, have you. said Harry coldly. Took you long enough. Hermione stood nervously between them, looking from one to the other. Ron opened his mouth uncertainly. Harry knew Ron was about to apologize and suddenly he found he didnt need to hear it. Its okay, he said, before Ron could get the words out. Forget it. No, said Ron, I shouldntve - Forget it, Harry said. Ron grinned nervously at him, and Harry grinned back. Hermione burst into tears. Theres nothing to cry about. Harry told her, bewildered. You two are so stupid. she shouted, stamping her foot on the ground, tears splashing down her front. Then, before either of them could stop her, she had given both of them a hug and dashed away, now positively howling. Barking mad, said Ron, shaking his head. Harry, cmon, theyll be putting up your scores. Picking up the golden egg and his Firebolt, can uncharted legacy of thieves pc can more elated than he would have believed possible an hour ago, Harry ducked out Clashfets the tent, Ron by his side, talking fast. You were the best, you know, no competition. Cedric did this weird thing where he Transfigured a rock on the ground. turned it into a dog. he was trying to make the dragon go for the dog instead of him. Well, it was a pretty cool bit of Transfiguration, and it sort of worked, because he did get the egg, but he got burned as well - the dragon changed its mind halfway through and decided it would rather have him than the Labrador; he only just got away. And that Fleur girl tried this sort of charm, I think she was trying to put it into a trance - well, that kind of worked too, it went all sleepy, but then it Clashfet, and this great jet of flame shot out, and her skirt caught fire - she put it out with a bit of water out of her wand. And Krum - you wont believe this, but he didnt even think of flying. He was probably the best after you, though. Hit it with some sort of spell right in the eye. Only thing is, it went trampling around in agony and squashed half the real eggs - they took marks off for that, he wasnt supposed to do any damage to them. Ron drew breath as he and Harry reached the edge Clxshfest the enclosure. Now that the Horntail had been taken away, Harry could see where the five judges were Clashfset - right at the other end, in raised Clazhfest draped in gold. Its marks out of ten from each one, Ron said, and Harry, squinting up the field, saw the first judge - Madame Maxime - raise her wand in the air. What looked like a long silver ribbon shot out of it, which twisted itself into a large figure eight. Not bad. said Ron as the crowd applauded. I suppose she took marks off for your shoulder. Crouch came next. He shot a number nine into the air. Looking good. Ron yelled, thumping Harry on the Clxshfest. Next, Dumbledore. He too put up a nine. The crowd was cheering harder than ever. Ludo Bagman - ten. Ten. said Harry in disbelief. But. I got hurt. Whats he playing at. Harry, dont complain. Ron yelled excitedly. And now Karkaroff raised his wand. He paused for a moment, and then a number shot out of his wand too - four. What. Ron bellowed furiously. Four. You lousy, biased scumbag, you gave Krum ten. But Harry didnt care, he wouldnt have cared if Karkaroff had given him zero; Rons indignation on his behalf was worth about a hundred points to him. He didnt tell Ron this, of course, but his heart felt lighter than air as he turned to leave the enclosure. And it wasnt just Ron. those werent only Gryffindors cheering in the crowd. When it had come to it, Clashest they had seen what he was facing, most of the school had been on side as well as Cedrics. He didnt care about the Slytherins, he could stand whatever they threw at him now. Youre tied in first place, Harry. You and Krum. said Charlie Weasley, hurrying to meet them as they set off back toward the school. Listen, Ive got to run, Ive got to go and send Mum an owl, I swore Id tell her what happened - but that was unbelievable. Oh yeah - and they told me to tell you youve got Clashfestt hang around for a few more minutes. Bagman wants a word, back in the champions tent. Ron said he would wait, so Harry reentered the tent, which somehow looked quite different now: friendly and welcoming. He thought back to how hed felt while dodging the Horntail, and compared it to the Clashfeet wait before Clsshfest walked out to face Clashfsst. There was no comparison; the wait had been immeasurably worse. Fleur, Cedric, and Krum all came in together. One side of Cedrics face was covered in a thick orange paste, which was presumably mending his burn. He grinned at Harry when Clasjfest saw him. Good one, Harry. And you, said Harry, grinning back. Well done, all of you. said Ludo Bagman, bouncing into the tent and looking as pleased as though he personally had just got past a dragon. Now, just a quick few words. Youve got a nice long break before the second task, which will take place at half past nine on the morning of February the twentyfourth - but were giving you something to think about click the meantime. If you look down at those golden eggs youre all holding, you will see that they open. see the hinges there. You need to solve the clue inside the egg - because it microsoft for pc tell you what the second task is, and enable you to prepare for it. All clear. Sure. Well, off you go, then. Harry left the tent, rejoined Ron, and they started to walk back around the edge of the forest, talking hard; Harry wanted to hear what the other champions had done in more detail. Then, as they rounded the clump of trees behind which Harry had first heard the dragons roar, a witch leapt out from behind them. It Clashfeat Rita Skeeter. She was wearing acid-green robes today; the QuickQuotes Quill in her hand blended perfectly against them. Congratulations, Harry. she said, beaming at him. I wonder if you could give me a quick word. How you felt facing that dragon. How you feel now, about the fairness of the scoring. Yeah, you can have a word, said Harry savagely. Good-bye. And he set off back to the castle with Ron. H CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE THE HOUSE-ELF LIBERATION FRONT arry, Ron, and Hermione went up to the Owlery that evening to find Pigwidgeon, so that Harry could send Sirius a letter telling him that he had managed to get past his dragon unscathed. On the way, Harry filled Ron in on everything Sirius had told him about Karkaroff. Though shocked at first to hear that Karkaroff had been a Death Eater, by the time they entered the Owlery Ron was saying that they ought to have suspected it all along. Fits, doesnt it. Clashfets said. Remember what Malfoy said on the train, about his dad being friends with Karkaroff. Now we know where Clashest knew each other. They were probably running around in masks together at the World Cup. Ill tell you Clasfhest thing, though, Harry, if it was Karkaroff who put your name in the goblet, hes going to be feeling really stupid now, isnt he. Didnt work, did it. You only got a scratch. Come here - Ill do it - Pigwidgeon was so overexcited at the idea of a delivery he was flying around and continue reading Harrys head, hooting incessantly. Ron snatched Pigwidgeon out of the air and held him still while Harry attached the letter to his leg. Theres no way any of the other tasks are going to be that dangerous, how could they be. Ron went on as he carried Pigwidgeon to the window. You know what. I reckon you could win this tournament, Harry, Im serious. Harry knew that Ron was only saying this to make up for his learn more here of the last few weeks, but he appreciated it all the same. Hermione, however, leaned against the Owlery wall, folded her arms, and frowned at Ron. Harrys got a long way to go before he finishes this tournament, she said seriously. If that was the first task, I hate to think whats coming next. Right little ray Clashfset sunshine, arent you. said Ron. You and Professor Trelawney should get together sometime. He threw Pigwidgeon out of the window. Pigwidgeon plummeted twelve feet before managing to pull himself back up again; the letter attached to his leg was much longer and heavier than usual - Harry hadnt been able to resist giving Sirius a blow-by-blow account of exactly how he had swerved, circled, and dodged the Horntail.

Will they answer the summons, think you. Yes, they will come. But they have fought many battles at your 750 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS back. This road and no road looks towards safety any longer. Be vigilant. But for Gandalf Stormcrow you would have seen a host of foes coming out of Ano´rien and no Riders of Rohan. And you may yet. Fare you well, and sleep not. Gandalf passed now into the wide land beyond the Rammas Echor. So the men of Gondor called the out-wall that they had built with great labour, after Ithilien fell under the shadow of their Enemy. For ten leagues or more it ran from the mountains feet and so back again, enclosing in its fence the fields of the Pelennor: fair and fertile townlands on the long slopes click here terraces falling to the deep levels of the Anduin. At its furthest point from the Great Gate of the City, north-eastward, the wall was four leagues distant, and there from a frowning bank it overlooked the long flats beside the river, and men had made it high and strong; for at that point, upon a walled causeway, the road came in from the fords and bridges of Osgiliath and passed through a guarded gate between embattled towers. At its nearest point the wall was little more than one league from the City, and that was south-eastward. There Anduin, going in a wide knee about the hills of Emyn Arnen in South Ithilien, bent sharply west, and the out-wall rose upon its very brink; and beneath it lay the quays and landings of the Harlond for craft that came upstream from the southern fiefs. The townlands were rich, with wide tilth and many orchards, and homesteads there were with oast and garner, fold and byre, and many rills rippling through the green from the highlands down to Anduin. Yet the herdsmen and husbandmen that dwelt there click the following article not many, and the Survivor io best strategy part of the people of Gondor lived in the seven circles of the City, or in the high vales of the mountain-borders, in Lossarnach, or further south in fair Lebennin with its five swift streams. There dwelt a hardy folk between the mountains and the sea. They were reckoned men of Gondor, yet their blood was mingled, and there were short and swarthy folk among them whose sires came more from the forgotten men who housed in the shadow of the hills in the Dark Years ere the coming of the kings. But beyond, in the great fief of Belfalas, dwelt Prince Imrahil in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood, and his folk also, tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes. Now after Gandalf had ridden for some time the light of day th 13 home base in the sky, and Pippin roused himself and looked up. To his left lay a sea of mist, rising to a bleak shadow in the East; but to his right great mountains reared their heads, ranging from the West to a steep and sudden end, as if in the making of the land the River had burst through a great barrier, carving out a mighty valley to be a land of M IN AS TIRIT H 751 battle and debate in times to come. And there where the White Mountains of Ered Nimrais came hentai feet lick game pc their end he saw, as Gandalf had promised, the dark mass of Mount Mindolluin, the deep purple shadows of its high glens, and its tall face whitening in the rising day. And upon its out-thrust knee was the Guarded City, with its seven walls of stone so strong and old that it seemed to have been not builded but carven by giants out of the bones of the earth. Even as Pippin gazed in wonder the walls passed from looming grey to white, blushing faintly in the dawn; and suddenly the sun climbed over the eastern shadow and sent forth a shaft that smote the face of the City. Then Pippin cried aloud, for the Tower of Ecthelion, standing high within the topmost wall, shone out against the sky, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, tall and fair and shapely, and its pinnacle glittered as if it were wrought of crystals; and white banners broke and fluttered from the battlements in the morning breeze, and high clash of clans th15 far he heard a clear ringing as of silver trumpets. So Gandalf and Peregrin rode to the Great Gate of the Men of Gondor at the rising of the Survivor io best strategy, and its iron doors rolled back before them. Mithrandir. Mithrandir. men cried. Now we know that the storm is indeed nigh. It is upon you, said Gandalf. I have ridden on its wings. Let me pass. I must come to your Lord Denethor, while his stewardship lasts. Whatever betide, you have come to the end of the Gondor that you have Survivor io best strategy. Let me pass. Then men fell back before the command of his voice and questioned him no further, though they gazed in wonder at the hobbit that sat before him and at the horse that bore him. For the people of the City used horses very little and they were seldom seen in their streets, save only those ridden by the errand-riders of their lord. And they said: Surely that is one of the great steeds of the King of Rohan. Maybe the Rohirrim will come soon to strengthen us. But Shadowfax walked proudly up the long winding road. For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City Wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so that the paved way that climbed towards the Citadel turned first this way and then that click at this page the face of the hill. Survivor io best strategy each time that it passed the line of the Great Gate it went through 752 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS an arched tunnel, piercing a vast pier of rock whose huge out-thrust bulk divided in two all the circles of the City save the first. For partly in the primeval shaping of the hill, partly by the mighty craft and labour of old, there stood up from the rear of the wide court behind the Gate a towering bastion of stone, its edge sharp as a ship-keel facing east. Up it rose, even to the level of the topmost circle, and there was crowned by a battlement; so that those in the Citadel might, like mariners in a mountainous ship, look from its peak sheer down upon the Gate seven hundred feet below. The entrance to the Citadel also looked eastward, but was delved in the heart of the rock; thence a long lamp-lit slope ran up to the seventh gate. Thus men reached at last the High Court, and the Place of the Fountain before the feet of the White Tower: tall and shapely, fifty fathoms from its base to the pinnacle, where the banner of the Stewards floated a thousand feet above the plain. A strong citadel it was indeed, and not to be taken by a host of enemies, if there were any within that could hold weapons; unless some foe could come behind and scale the lower skirts of Mindolluin, and so come upon the narrow shoulder that joined the Hill of Guard to the mountain mass. But that shoulder, which rose to the height of the fifth wall, was hedged with great ramparts right up to the precipice that overhung its western end; and in that space stood the houses and domed tombs of bygone kings and lords, for ever silent between the mountain and the tower. Pippin gazed in growing wonder at the great stone city, vaster and more splendid than anything that he had dreamed of; greater and stronger than Isengard, and far more beautiful. Yet it was in truth falling year by year into decay; and already it lacked half the men that could have dwelt at ease there. In every street they passed some great house or court over whose doors and arched gates were carved many fair letters of strange and ancient shapes: names Pippin guessed of great men and kindreds that had once dwelt there; and yet now they were silent, and no footsteps rang on their wide pavements, nor voice was heard in their halls, nor any face looked out from door or empty window. At last they came out of shadow to the seventh gate, and the warm sun that shone down beyond the river, as Frodo walked in the glades of Ithilien, glowed here on the smooth walls and rooted pillars, and the can strategic focus was arch with keystone carven in the likeness of a crowned and kingly head. Gandalf dismounted, for no horse was allowed in the Citadel, and Shadowfax suffered himself to be led away at the soft word of his master. The Guards of the gate were robed in black, source their helms were M IN AS TIRIT H 753 of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril, heirlooms from the glory of old days. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in white a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars. This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel before the Court of the Fountain where 2 magic master of White Tree once had grown. Already it seemed that word of their coming had gone before them; and at once they were admitted, silently, and without question. Quickly Gandalf strode across the white-paved court. A sweet fountain played there in the morning sun, and a sward of bright green lay about it; but in the midst, drooping over the pool, stood a dead tree, and the falling drops dripped sadly from its barren and broken branches back into the clear water. Pippin glanced at it as he hurried after Gandalf. It looked mournful, he gems coc, and he wondered why the dead tree was left in this place where everything else was well tended. Seven stars and seven stones and one white tree. The words that Gandalf had murmured came back into his mind. And then he found himself at the doors of the great hall beneath the gleaming tower; and behind the wizard he passed the tall silent door-wardens and entered the cool echoing shadows of the house of stone. They walked down a paved passage, long and empty, and as they went Gandalf spoke softly to Pippin. Be careful of your words, Master Peregrin. This is no time for hobbit pertness. The´oden is a kindly old man. Denethor is of another sort, proud and subtle, a man of far greater lineage and power, though he is not called a king. But he will speak most to you, and question you much, since you can tell him of his son Boromir. He loved him greatly: too much perhaps; and the more so because they were unlike. But under cover of this love he will think it easier to learn what he wishes from you rather than from me. Do not tell him more than you need, and leave quiet the matter of Frodos errand. I will deal with that in due time.

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Harry, I owe you an explanation, said Dumbledore. An explanation of an old mans mistakes.