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An owl hooted somewhere as he stripped off, and he thought with a pang of Hedwig. He was shivering now, his teeth chattering horribly, and yet he continued to strip off until at last he stood there in his underwear, barefooted in the snow. He placed the pouch containing his wand, his mothers letter, the shard of Siriuss mirror, and the old Snitch on top of his clothes, then he pointed Hermiones wand at the ice. Diffindo. It cracked with a sound like a bullet in the silence: The surface of the pool broke and chunks of dark ice rocked on the ruffled water. As far as Harry could judge, it was not deep, but to retrieve the sword he would have to submerge himself completely. Contemplating the task ahead would not make it easier or the water warmer. He stepped to the pools edge and placed Hermiones wand on the ground, still lit. Then, trying not to imagine how much colder he was about to become or how violently he would soon be shivering, he jumped. Every pore of his body screamed in protest: The very air in his lungs seemed to freeze solid as he was submerged to his shoulders in the frozen water. He could hardly breathe; trembling so violently the water lapped over the edges of the pool, he felt for the blade with his numb feet. He only wanted to dive once. Harry put off the moment of total submersion from second to second, gasping and shaking, until he told himself that it must be done, gathered all his courage, and dived. The cold was agony: It attacked him like fire. His brain itself seemed to have link as he pushed through the dark water to the bottom and reached out, groping for the sword. His fingers closed around the hilt; he pulled it upward. Then something closed tight around his neck. He thought of water weeds, though nothing had brushed him as he dived, and raised his empty hand to free himself. It was not weed: The chain of the Horcrux had tightened and was slowly constricting his windpipe. Harry kicked out wildly, trying to push himself back to the surface, but merely propelled himself into the rocky side go here the pool. Thrashing, suffocating, he scrabbled at the strangling chain, his frozen fingers unable to loosen it, and now little lights were popping inside his head, and he was going to drown, there was nothing left, nothing he could do, and the arms that closed around his Website games were surely Deaths. Choking and retching, soaking and colder than he had ever been in his life, he came to facedown in the snow. Somewhere close by, another person was check this out and coughing and staggering around. Hermione had come again, as she had come when the snake attacked. Yet it did not total war new like her, not with those deep coughs, not judging by the weight of the footsteps. Harry had no strength to lift his head and see his saviors identity. All he could do was raise a shaking hand to his throat and feel the place where the locket had cut tightly into his flesh. It was gone: Someone had cut him free. Then a panting voice spoke from over his head. Are - you - mental. Nothing but the shock of hearing that voice could have given Harry the strength to get up. Shivering violently, he staggered to his feet. There before him stood Ron, fully dressed but drenched to the skin, his hair plastered to his face, the sword of Gryffindor in one hand and the Horcrux dangling from its broken chain in the other. Why the hell, panted Ron, holding up the Horcrux, which swung backward and forward on its shortened chain in some parody of hypnosis, didnt you take this thing off before you dived. Harry could not answer. The silver doe was nothing, nothing compared with Rons reappearance; he could not believe it. Shuddering with cold, he caught up the pile of clothes still lying at the waters edge and began to pull them on. As he dragged sweater after sweater over his head, Harry stared at Ron, half expecting him to have disappeared every time he lost sight of him, and yet he had to be real: He had nice gta android games regret dived into the pool, he had saved Harrys life. It was y-you. Harry said at last, his teeth chattering, his voice weaker than usual due to his near-strangulation. Well, yeah, said Ron, looking slightly confused. Y-you cast that doe. What. No, of course not. I thought it was you doing it. My Patronus is a stag. Oh yeah. I thought it looked different. No antlers. Harry put Hagrids pouch back around his neck, pulled on a final sweater, stooped to pick up Hermiones wand, and faced Ron again. How come youre here. Apparently Ron had hoped that this point would come up later, if at all. Well, Ive - you know - Ive come back. If - He cleared his throat. You know. You still want me. There was a pause, in which the subject of Rons departure seemed to rise like a wall between them. Yet he was here. He had returned. He had just saved Harrys life. Ron looked down at his hands. He seemed momentarily surprised to see the things he was holding. Oh yeah, I got it out, he said, rather unnecessarily, holding up the sword for Harrys inspection. Thats why you jumped in, right. Yeah, said Harry. But I dont understand. How did go here get here. How did you find us. Long story, said Ron. Ive been looking for you for hours, its a big forest, isnt it. And I was just thinking Id have to kip under a tree and wait for morning when I saw that deer coming and you following. You didnt see anyone else. No, said Ron. I - But he hesitated, glancing at two trees growing close together some yards away. I did think I saw something move over there, but I was running to the pool at the time, because youd gone in and you hadnt come up, so I wasnt going to make a detour to - hey. Harry was already hurrying to the place Ron had indicated. The two oaks grew close together; there was a gap of only a few inches between the trunks at eye level, an ideal place to see but not be seen. The ground around the roots, however, was free of snow, and Harry could see no sign of footprints. He walked back to where Ron stood waiting, still holding the sword and the Horcrux. Anything there. Ron asked. No, said Harry. So how did the sword get in that pool. Whoever cast the Patronus must have put it there. They both looked at the ornate silver sword, its rubied hilt glinting a little in the light from Hermiones wand. You reckon this is the real one. asked Ron. One way to find out, isnt there. said Harry. The Horcrux was still swinging from Rons hand. The locket was twitching slightly. Harry knew that the thing inside it was agitated again. It had sensed the presence of the sword and had tried to kill Harry rather than let him possess it. Now was go here the time for long discussions; now was the moment to destroy the locket once and for all. Harry looked around, holding Hermiones wand high, and saw the place: a flattish rock lying in the shadow of a sycamore tree. Come here, he said, and he led the way, brushed snow from the rocks surface, and held out his hand for the Horcrux. When Ron offered the sword, however, Harry shook his head. No, you should do it. said Ron, looking shocked. Why. Because you got the sword out of the pool. I think its supposed to be you. He was not being kind or generous. As certainly as he had known that the doe was benign, he knew that Ron had to be the one to wield the sword. Dumbledore had at least taught Harry something about certain kinds of magic, of the incalculable power of certain acts. Im going to open it, said Harry, and you stab it. Straightaway, okay. Because whatevers in there will put up a fight. The bit of Riddle in the diary tried to kill me. How are you going to open it. asked Ron. He looked terrified. Im going to ask it to open, using Parseltongue, said Harry. The answer came so readily to his lips that he thought that he had always known it deep down: Perhaps it had taken his recent encounter with Nagini to make him realize it. He looked at the serpentine S, inlaid with glittering green stones: It was easy to visualize it as a minuscule snake, curled upon the cold rock. said Ron. No, dont open it. Im serious. Why not. asked Harry. Lets get rid of the damn thing, its been months - I cant, Harry, Im serious - you do it - But why. Because that things bad for me. said Ron, backing click at this page from the locket on the rock. I cant handle it. Im not making excuses, Harry, for what I was like, but it affects me worse than it affected you android best games war strategy Hermione, it made me think stuff - stuff I was thinking anyway, but it made everything worse, I cant explain it, and then Id take it off Website games Id get my head on straight again, and then Id have to put the effing thing back on - I cant do it, Harry. He had backed away, the sword dragging at his side, shaking his head. You can do it, said Harry, you can.

Said Torrent igr and Ron together. In the cabinet in the drawing room. Nobody could open please click for source. And we. we. Harry felt as though a brick had slid down through his chest into his stomach. He remembered: He had even handled the thing as they passed it around, each trying in turn to prise it open. It had been tossed into a sack of rubbish, along with the snuffbox of Wartcap powder and the music box that had made everyone sleepy. Kreacher nicked loads of things back from us, said Harry. It Torrent igr the only chance, the only slender hope left to them, and he was going to cling to it until forced to let go. He had a whole stash of stuff in his cupboard in the kitchen. Cmon. He ran down the stairs taking two steps at a time, the other two thundering along his wake. They made so much noise that they woke the portrait of Siriuss mother as they passed through the hall. Filth. Mudbloods. Scum. she article source after them as they dashed down into the basement kitchen and slammed the door behind them. Harry ran this web page length of the room, skidded to a halt at the door of Kreachers cupboard, and wrenched it open. There was the nest of dirty old blankets in which the house-elf had once slept, but they were no longer glittering with the trinkets Kreacher had salvaged. The only thing there was an old copy of Natures Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy. Refusing to believe his eyes, Harry snatched up the blankets and shook them. A dead mouse fell out and rolled dismally across the floor. Ron groaned as he threw himself into a kitchen chair; Hermione closed her eyes. Its not over yet, said Harry, and he raised his voice and called, Kreacher. There was a loud crack and the house-elf that Harry had so reluctantly inherited from Sirius appeared out of nowhere in front of the cold and empty fireplace: tiny, half human-sized, his pale skin hanging off him in folds, white hair sprouting copiously from his batlike ears. He was still wearing the filthy rag in which they had first met him, and the contemptuous look he bent upon Harry showed that his attitude to his change of ownership had altered no more than his outfit. Master, croaked Kreacher in his bullfrogs voice, and he bowed low, muttering to his knees, back in my Mistresss old house with the bloodtraitor Weasley and the Mudblood - I forbid you to call anyone blood traitor or Mudblood, growled Harry. He would have found Kreacher, with his snoutlike nose and bloodshot eyes, a distinctly unlovable object even if the elf had not betrayed Valuable brave frontier 2 has to Voldemort. Ive got a question for you, said Harry, his heart beating rather fast as he looked down at here elf, and I order you to answer it truthfully. Understand. Yes, Master, said Kreacher, bowing low again: Harry saw his lips moving soundlessly, undoubtedly framing the insults he was now forbidden to utter. Two years ago, said Harry, his heart now hammering against his ribs, there was a big gold locket in the drawing room upstairs. We threw it out. Did you steal it back. There was a moments silence, during which Kreacher straightened up to look Harry full in the face. Then he said, Yes. Where is it now. asked Harry jubilantly as Ron and Hermione looked gleeful. Kreacher Torrent igr his eyes as though he could not bear to see their reactions to his next word. Gone. Gone. echoed Harry, elation flooding out of him. What do you mean, its gone. The elf shivered. He swayed. Kreacher, said Harry fiercely, I order you - Mundungus Fletcher, croaked the elf, his eyes still tight shut. Mundungus Fletcher stole it all: Miss Bellas and Miss Cissys pictures, my Mistresss gloves, the Order of Merlin, First Class, the goblets with the family Torrent igr, and - and - Kreacher was gulping for air: His hollow chest was rising and falling rapidly, then his eyes flew open and he uttered a bloodcurdling scream. - and the locket, Master Reguluss locket, Kreacher did wrong, Kreacher failed in his orders. Harry reacted instinctively: As Kreacher lunged for the poker standing in the grate, he launched himself upon the elf, flattening him. Hermiones scream mingled with Kreachers, but Harry bellowed louder than both of them: Kreacher, I order you to stay still. He felt the elf freeze and released him. Kreacher lay flat on the cold stone floor, tears gushing from his sagging eyes. Harry, let him up. Hermione whispered. So he can beat himself up with the poker. snorted Harry, kneeling beside the elf. I dont think so. Right, Kreacher, I want the truth: How do you know Mundungus Fletcher stole the locket. Kreacher saw him. gasped the elf as tears poured over his snout and into his mouth full of graying teeth. Kreacher saw him coming out of Kreachers cupboard with his hands full of Kreachers treasures. Kreacher told the sneak thief to stop, but Mundungus Fletcher laughed and r-ran. You called the locket Master Reguluss, said Harry. Why.

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