

Pc de gaming

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By Tojabar

Pc de gaming

Why. Was it because hed seen Harry collapse on the train, and thought he wasnt up to much. Had he thought Harry would pass out again. But no one else seemed to have noticed anything. Did you see me take that banshee. shouted Seamus. And the hand. said Dean, waving his own around. And Snape in that hat. And my mummy. I wonder why Professor Lupins frightened of crystal balls. said Lavender thoughtfully. That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson weve ever had, wasnt it. said Ron excitedly as they made their way back to the classroom to get their bags. He seems click a very good teacher, said Hermione approvingly. But I wish I could have homeworld 3 a turn with the boggart - What would it have been for you. said Ron, sniggering. A piece of homework that only got nine out of ten. I CHAPTER EIGHT FLIGHT OF THE FAT LADY n no time at all, Defense Against the Dark Arts click become most peoples favorite class. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins had anything bad to say about Professor Lupin. Look at the state of his robes, Malfoy would say in a loud whisper as Professor Lupin passed. He dresses like our old house-elf. But no one else cared that Professor Lupins robes were patched and frayed. His next few lessons were just as interesting as the first. After boggarts, they studied Red Caps, nasty little goblinlike creatures that lurked wherever there had been bloodshed: in the dungeons of castles and the potholes of deserted battlefields, waiting to bludgeon those who had gotten lost. From Red Caps they moved on to kappas, creepy water-dwellers that looked like scaly monkeys, with webbed hands itching to strangle unwitting waders in their ponds. Harry only wished he was as happy with some of his other classes. Worst of all was Potions. Snape was in a particularly vindictive mood these days, and no one was in any doubt why. The story of the boggart assuming Snapes shape, and the way that Neville had dressed it in his Pc de gaming clothes, had traveled through the school like wildfire. Snape didnt seem to find it funny. His eyes flashed menacingly at the very mention of Professor Lupins name, and he was bullying Neville worse than ever. Harry was also growing to dread the hours he spent in Professor Trelawneys stifling tower room, deciphering lopsided shapes and symbols, trying to ignore the way Professor Trelawneys enormous eyes filled with tears every time she looked at him. He couldnt like Professor Trelawney, even though she was treated with respect bordering on reverence by many of the class. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown had taken to haunting Professor Trelawneys tower room at lunchtimes, and always returned with annoyingly superior looks on their faces, as though they knew things the others didnt. They had also started using hushed voices whenever they spoke to Harry, as though he were on his deathbed. Nobody really liked Care of Magical Creatures, which, after the actionpacked first class, had become extremely dull. Hagrid seemed to have lost his confidence. They were now spending lesson after lesson learning how to look after flobberworms, which had to be some of the most boring creatures in existence. Why would anyone bother looking after them. said Ron, after yet another hour of poking shredded lettuce down the flobberworms slimy throats. At the start of October, however, Harry had something else to occupy him, something so enjoyable it more than made up for his unsatisfactory classes. The Quidditch season was approaching, and Oliver Wood, Captain of the Gryffindor team, called a meeting one Thursday evening to discuss tactics for the new season. There were seven people on a Quidditch team: three Chasers, whose job it was to score goals by putting the Quaffle (a red, soccer-sized ball) through one of the fifty-foot-high hoops at each end of the field; two Beaters, who were equipped with heavy bats to repel the Bludgers (two heavy black balls that zoomed around trying to attack the players); a Keeper, who defended the goalposts, and the Seeker, who had overcooked hardest job of all, that of catching the Golden Snitch, a tiny, winged, walnut-sized ball, whose capture ended the game and earned the Seekers team an extra one hundred and fifty points. Oliver Wood was a burly seventeen-year-old, now in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. There was a quiet sort of desperation in his voice as he addressed his six fellow team members in the chilly locker rooms on the edge of the darkening Quidditch field. This is our last chance - my last chance - to win the Quidditch Cup, he told them, striding up and down in front of them. Ill be leaving at the end of this year. Ill never get another shot at it. Gryffindor hasnt won for seven years now. Okay, so weve had the worst luck in the world - injuries - then the tournament getting called off last year. Wood swallowed, as though the memory still brought a lump to his throat. But we also know weve got the best - ruddy - team - in - the - school, he said, punching a fist into his other hand, the old manic glint back in his eye. Weve got three superb Chasers. Wood pointed at Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Weve got two unbeatable Beaters. Stop it, Oliver, youre embarrassing us, said Fred and George Weasley together, pretending to blush. And weve got a Pc de gaming who has never failed to win us a match. Wood rumbled, glaring at Harry with a kind of furious pride. Learn more here me, he added as an afterthought. We think youre very good too, Oliver, said George. Spanking good Keeper, said Fred. The point is, Wood went on, resuming his pacing, the Quidditch Cup should have had our name on it these last two years. Ever since Harry joined the team, Ive thought the thing was in the bag. But we havent got it, and this years the last chance well get to continue reading see our name on the thing. Wood spoke so dejectedly that even Fred and George looked sympathetic. Pc de gaming, this years our year, said Fred. Well do it, Oliver. said Angelina. Definitely, said Harry. Full of determination, the team started training sessions, three evenings a week. The weather was getting colder and wetter, the nights darker, but no amount of mud, wind, or rain could tarnish Harrys wonderful vision of finally coc th9 war base the huge, silver Quidditch Cup. Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room one evening after training, cold and stiff but pleased with the way practice had gone, to find the room buzzing excitedly. Whats happened.

Said Pansy. - and Longbottom, Potter, and that Weasley girl, finished Zabini. Malfoy sat up very suddenly, knocking Pansys hand aside. He invited Longbottom. Well, I assume so, as Longbottom was there, said Zabini indifferently. Whats Longbottom got to interest Slughorn. Zabini shrugged. Potter, precious Potter, obviously he wanted a look at the Chosen One, sneered Malfoy, but that Weasley girl. Whats so special about her. Pity, th3 layout magnificent lot of boys like her, said Pansy, watching Malfoy out of the corner of her eyes for his reaction. Even you think shes good-looking, dont you, Blaise, and we all know how hard you are to please. I wouldnt touch a filthy little blood traitor like her whatever she looked like, said Zabini coldly, and Pansy looked pleased. Malfoy sank back across her lap and allowed her to resume the stroking Ping pong his hair. Well, I pity Slughorns taste. Maybe hes going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasnt heard Im on the train, or - I wouldnt bank on an invitation, said Zabini. He asked me about Notts father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard hed been caught at the Ministry Ping pong didnt look happy, and Nott didnt get an invitation, did he. I dont think Slughorns interested in Death Eaters. Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh. Well, who cares what hes interested in. What is he, when you come down to it. Just some stupid teacher. Malfoy yawned ostentatiously. I mean, I might not even be at Hogwarts next year, whats it matter to me if some fat old has-been likes me or not. What do you mean, you might not be at Hogwarts next year. said Pansy indignantly, Ping pong grooming Malfoy at see more. Well, you never know, said Malfoy with the ghost of a smirk. I might have - er - moved on to bigger and better things. Crouched the luggage rack under his Cloak, Harrys heart began to race. What would Ron and Hermione say about this. Crabbe and Goyle were gawping at Malfoy; apparently they had Ping pong no inkling of any plans to move on to bigger and better things. Even Zabini had allowed a look of curiosity to mar his haughty features. Pansy resumed the slow stroking of Malfoys hair, looking dumbfounded. Do you mean - Him. Malfoy shrugged. Mother wants me to complete my education, but personally, I dont see it as that important these days. I mean, think about it. When the Dark Lord takes over, is he going to care how many O. s or N. s anyones got. Of course he isnt. Itll be all Ping pong the kind of he received, the level of devotion he was shown. And you think youll be able to do something for him. asked Zabini scathingly. Sixteen years old and not even fully qualified yet. Ive just said, havent I. Maybe he doesnt care if Im qualified. Maybe the job he wants me to do isnt clans gameplay of clash that you need to be qualified for, said Malfoy quietly. Crabbe and Goyle were both sitting with their mouths open like gargoyles.

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Ginnys got other brothers to set her an example, Mother, said Percy loftily. Im going up to change for dinner.