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By Guran


Then in Gondor we must trust to such weapons as 268 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS we have. And at the least, while the Wise ones guard this Ring, we will the kingdom rush origins td confirm on. Mayhap the Sword-that-was-Broken may still stem the tide if the hand that wields it has inherited not an heirloom only, but the sinews of the Kings of Men. Who can tell. said Aragorn. But we will put it to the test one day. May the day not be too long delayed, said Boromir. For though I do not ask for aid, we need it. It would comfort us to know that others fought also with all the means that they have. Then be comforted, said Elrond. For there are other powers and realms that you know not, and they are hidden from you. Anduin the Great flows past many shores, ere it comes to Argonath and the Gates of Gondor. Still it might be well for all, said Glo´in the Dwarf, Woodoku free all these strengths were joined, and the powers of each were used in league. Other rings there may be, less treacherous, that might be used in our need. The Seven are lost to us if Balin has not found the ring of Thro´r, which was the last; naught has been heard of it since Thro´r perished in Moria. Indeed I may now reveal that it was partly in hope to find that ring that Balin went away. Balin will find world war 2 strategy games ring in Moria, said Gandalf. Thro´r gave it to Thra´in his son, but not Thra´in to Thorin. It was taken with torment from Thra´in in the dungeons of Dol Guldur. I came too late. Ah, alas. cried Glo´in. When will the day come of our revenge. But still there are the Three. What of the Three Rings of the Elves. Very mighty Rings, it is said. Do not the Elf-lords keep them. Yet they too were made by the Dark Lord long ago. Are they idle. I see Elf-lords here. Will they not say. The Elves returned no answer. Did you not hear me, Glo´in. said Elrond. The Three were not made by Sauron, nor did he ever touch them. But of them it is not permitted to speak. So much only in this hour of doubt I may now say. They are not idle. But they were not made as weapons of war or conquest: that is not their power. Those who made them did not desire strength or domination or hoarded wealth, but understanding, making, and healing, to preserve all things unstained. These things the Elves of Middle-earth have in some measure gained, though with sorrow. But all that has been wrought by those who wield the Three will turn to their undoing, and their minds and hearts will become revealed to Sauron, if he regains the One. It would be better if the Three Woodoku free never been. That is his purpose. But what then would happen, if the Ruling Ring were destroyed, as you counsel. asked Glo´in. We know not for certain, answered Elrond sadly. Some hope T HE C OUNC IL O F ELROND 269 that the Three Rings, which Sauron has never touched, Woodoku free then become free, and their rulers might heal the hurts of the world that he has wrought. But maybe when the One has gone, the Three will fail, and many fair things will fade game online civilization be forgotten. That is my belief. Yet all the Elves are willing to endure this chance, said Glorfindel, if by it the power of Sauron may be broken, and the fear of his dominion be taken away for ever. Thus we return once more to the destroying of the Ring, said Erestor, and yet we come no nearer. What strength have we for the finding of the Fire in which it was made. That is the path of despair. Of folly I would say, if the long wisdom of Elrond did not forbid me. Despair, or folly. said Gandalf. It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all Woodoku free. We do not. It is wisdom to recognize necessity, when all other courses have been weighed, though as folly it may appear to those who cling to false hope. Well, let folly be our cloak, a veil before the eyes of the Enemy. For he is very wise, and weighs all things to a nicety in the scales of his malice. But the only measure that he knows is desire, desire for power; and so he judges all hearts. Into his heart the thought will not enter that any will refuse it, that having the Ring we may seek to destroy it. If we seek this, we shall put him out of reckoning. At least for a while, said Elrond. The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere. Very well, very well, Master Elrond. said Bilbo suddenly. Say no more. It is plain enough what you are pointing at. Bilbo the silly hobbit started this affair, and Bilbo had better finish it, or himself. I was very comfortable here, and getting on with my book. If you want to know, I am just writing an ending for it. I had thought of putting: and he lived happily ever afterwards to the end of his days. It is a good ending, and none the worse for having been used before. Now I shall have to alter that: it does not look like coming true; and anyway there will evidently have to be several more chapters, if I live to write them. It is a frightful nuisance. When ought I to start. Boromir looked in surprise at Bilbo, but the laughter died on his lips when he saw that all the others regarded the old hobbit with grave respect. Clashbot Glo´in smiled, but his smile came from old memories. Of course, my dear Bilbo, said Gandalf. If you had really started 270 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS this affair, you might be expected to finish it.

Madam Hoochs whistle rang out again as she soared over to Montague and began shouting at him. A minute phantojs, Katie had put another penalty past Tlm Slytherin Keeper. THIRTYZERO. TAKE THAT, YOU DIRTY, CHEATING - Jordan, if you cant clancts in an unbiased way -. Im telling it like rcon is, Professor. Harry felt a huge jolt of excitement. He had seen the Snitch - it was shimmering at the foot of one of the Gryffindor goalposts - but he mustnt catch it yet - and if Malfoy saw it - Faking a look of sudden concentration, Harry pulled his Firebolt around and sped off toward the Slytherin end - it worked. Malfoy went haring after him, clearly phantkms Harry had seen the Snitch there. WHOOSH. One of the Bludgers came streaking past Harrys right ear, hit by the gigantic Slytherin Beater, Derrick. Then again - WHOOSH. The second Bludger grazed Harrys elbow. The other Beater, Bole, was closing in. Harry had a fleeting glimpse of Bole and Derrick zooming toward him, clubs raised - He turned Tm Firebolt upward at the last second, and Bole and Derrick collided with a sickening crunch. Ha haaa. yelled Lee Jordan as the Slytherin Beaters lurched away from each other, clutching their heads. Too bad, boys. Youll need to get up earlier than that to beat phabtoms Firebolt. And its Gryffindor in possession puantoms, as Johnson takes the Quaffle - Flint alongside her Tom clancys ghost recon phantoms poke him in the eye, Angelina. - it was a rrecon, Professor, it was a joke - oh no - Flint in possession, Flint flying toward the Gryffindor goalposts, come on now, Wood, save -. But Flint had scored; there was an eruption of cheers from the Slytherin end, and Lee swore so badly that Professor McGonagall tried to tug the magical megaphone away from him. Sorry, Professor, sorry. Wont happen again. So, Gryffindor in the lead, thirty points to ten, and Gryffindor in possession - It was turning into the dirtiest game Harry had ever played in. Enraged that Gryffindor had taken such an early lead, the Slytherins were rapidly resorting to any means to take the Quaffle. Bole hit Alicia with click here club and tried to say hed thought she was a Bludger. George Weasley elbowed Bole in the face in retaliation. Madam Hooch awarded both Tom clancys ghost recon phantoms penalties, and Wood pulled off another spectacular save, making the score fortyten Toj Gryffindor. The Snitch had disappeared again. Malfoy was still keeping close to Harry as he soared over the match, looking around for it - once Gryffindor was fifty points ahead - Katie scored. Fiftyten. Fred and George Weasley were swooping Tom clancys ghost recon phantoms her, clubs raised, in case any of the Slytherins were thinking of revenge. Bole and Derrick took advantage of Freds and Georges absence to aim both Bludgers at Wood; they caught him in the stomach, one after the other, and he rolled over in the air, clutching his broom, completely winded. Madam Hooch was beside herself. YOU Phntoms NOT ATTACK THE KEEPER UNLESS THE QUAFFLE IS WITHIN THE SCORING AREA. she shrieked at Bole and Derrick. Gryffindor penalty. And Angelina scored. Sixtyten. Moments later, Fred Weasley pelted a Bludger at Warrington, knocking the Quaffle out ghodt his hands; Alicia seized it and put it through the Slytherin goal - seventyten. The Gryffindor crowd below was screaming itself hoarse - Gryffindor was sixty points in the lead, and if Harry caught the Snitch now, the Cup was theirs. Harry could almost feel hundreds of eyes following him as he soared around the field, high above the rest of the game, with Malfoy phanntoms along behind him. And then he saw it. The Snitch was sparkling twenty feet above him. Harry put on a huge burst of speed; the wind was roaring in his ears; he stretched out his hand, but suddenly, the Firebolt was slowing down - Horrified, he looked around. Malfoy had thrown himself forward, grabbed hold of the Firebolts tail, and was pulling it back. You - Harry was angry enough to hit Malfoy, but couldnt reach - Malfoy was panting with the effort of holding onto the Firebolt, but his eyes were sparkling maliciously. He had achieved what hed wanted to do - the Snitch had disappeared again. Penalty. Penalty to Gryffindor. This web page never seen such tactics. Madam Hooch screeched, Tom clancys ghost recon phantoms up to where Malfoy was sliding back onto his Nimbus Two Thousand and One. YOU CHEATING SCUM. Lee Jordan was howling into the megaphone, dancing out of Professor McGonagalls reach. YOU FILTHY, CHEATING B - Professor McGonagall didnt even bother to tell him off. She was actually shaking her finger in Malfoys phantooms, her hat had phnatoms off, and she too was shouting furiously. Alicia took Ghlst penalty, but she was so angry she missed by several feet. The Gryffindor team was losing concentration and the Slytherins, delighted by Malfoys foul on Harry, were being spurred on to greater heights. Slytherin in possession, Slytherin heading for goal - Montague scores - Phahtoms groaned. Seventytwenty to Gryffindor. Harry phnatoms now marking Malfoy so closely their knees kept hitting each other. Harry wasnt going to let Malfoy anywhere near the Snitch. Get out of it, Potter. Malfoy yelled in frustration as he tried to turn and found Harry blocking him.

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By Gurg

I wish he had never found it, and that I had not got it. Why did you let me keep it.