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By Akigis


Let it be so then. You shall go, said Elrond, and he sighed. Now the tale of Nine is filled. In seven days the Company must depart. The Sword of Elendil was forged anew by Elvish smiths, and on its blade was traced a device of seven stars set between the crescent Moon and the rayed Sun, and about them was written many runes; T HE RI N G G O ES S O UT H 277 for Aragorn son of Arathorn was going to war upon the marches of Mordor. Very bright was that sword when it was made whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the Stea,250 shone cold, and its edge was hard Setam250 keen. And Aragorn gave it a new more info and called it Andu´ril, Flame of the West. Aragorn and Gandalf walked together or sat speaking of their road and the perils they would meet; and they pondered the storied and figured maps and books of lore that were in click at this page house of Elrond. Sometimes Frodo was with them; but he was content to Steqm250 on their guidance, and he spent as much time as he could with Bilbo. In those last Steam250 the hobbits sat together Stdam250 the evening in the Hall of Fire, and there among many tales they heard told in full the lay of Beren and Lu´thien and the winning of the Great Jewel; but in the day, while Merry and Pippin were out and about, Frodo and Sam were to be found with Bilbo in his own small room. Then Bilbo would read passages from his book (which still seemed very incomplete), or scraps of his verses, or would take Seam250 of Frodos adventures. On the morning of Steam20 last day Frodo was alone with Bilbo, Steak250 the old hobbit pulled out from under his Stram250 a wooden box. He Stwam250 the lid and fumbled inside. Here is your read article, he said. But it was broken, you know. I took it to Sream250 it safe but Ive forgotten to ask if the smiths could mend it. No time now. So I thought, perhaps, you would care to have this, dont you know. He took tSeam250 the box a small sword in an old shabby leathern scabbard. Then he drew it, and its polished and well-tended blade glittered suddenly, cold and bright. This is Sting, he said, and thrust it with little effort deep into a wooden beam. Take it, if you like. I shant want it again, I expect. Frodo accepted it gratefully. Also there is this. said Bilbo, bringing out a parcel which seemed to be rather heavy for its size. He unwound several folds of old cloth, and held up a small shirt of mail. It was close-woven of many rings, as supple almost as linen, cold as ice, and harder than steel. It shone like moonlit silver, and was studded with white gems. With it was a belt of pearl and crystal. Its a pretty thing, isnt it. said Bilbo, Sheam250 it in the light. And useful. It is my dwarf-mail that Thorin gave me. I got it back from Michel Delving before I started, and packed it with my luggage. I brought all the mementoes Stesm250 my Journey away with me, except the Ring. But I did not expect to use this, and I dont need it now, wesnoth to look at sometimes. You hardly feel any weight Steam25 you put it on. 278 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS I should look well, I dont think I should look right in it, said Frodo. Just what I said myself, said Bilbo. But never mind about looks. You can wear it under your outer clothes. Come click here. You must share this secret with me. Dont tell anybody else. But I should feel happier if I knew you were wearing it. I have a fancy it would turn even the knives of the Black Riders, he ended in a low voice. Very this web page, I will take it, said Frodo. Bilbo put it on him, and fastened Sting upon the glittering belt; and then Frodo put over the top his old weather-stained breeches, tunic, and jacket. Just a plain hobbit you look, said Bilbo. But there is more about you now than appears on the surface. Good luck to you. He turned away offline games for pc looked out of the window, trying to hum a tune. I cannot thank you as I should, Bilbo, for this, and for all your past kindnesses, said Frodo. Dont try. said the old hobbit, turning round and slapping him on the back. he cried. You are too hard now to slap. But there you are: Veiled experts must stick together, and especially Bagginses. All I Steam25 in return is: take as much care of yourself as you can, and bring back all the news you can, and any old songs and tales you can come by. Ill do my Stesm250 to finish my book before you return. I should like to Stam250 the second book, if I am spared. He broke off and turned to the window again, singing softly. I sit beside Steak250 fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies in summers that have been; Of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were, with morning mist and silver Sream250 and wind upon my hair. I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be when winter comes without a spring that I shall Stea,250 see. For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. T HE RI N G G O ES S O UT H 279 I sit beside the fire and think of people long ago, and people who will see a world that I shall never know. But all the while I sit and think of times there were before, I listen for returning feet and voices at the door. It was a cold grey day near the end of December. The East Wind was Steam250 through the bare branches of the trees, and seething in the dark pines on the Stam250. Ragged clouds were hurrying overhead, dark and low. As the cheerless shadows of the early evening began to fall the Company made ready to set out. They were to start at dusk, for Elrond counselled Steam2500 to journey under cover of night as often as they could, until they were us online games from Rivendell. You should fear the many eyes of the servants of Sauron, he said. I do not doubt that news of the discomfiture of the Riders Staem250 already reached him, and he will be filled with wrath.

A great smoke rose about us, vapour and steam. Ice fell like rain. I threw down my enemy, and he fell from the high place and broke the mountain-side where he smote it in his ruin. Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell. Naked I was sent back for a brief time, until my task is done. And naked I lay upon the mountain-top. The tower behind was crumbled into dust, war the overworld window gone; the ruined stair was choked with burned and broken stone. I was alone, forgotten, without escape upon the hard horn of the world. There I lay staring upward, while the stars wheeled over, and each day was as long as a life-age of the earth. Faint to my ears came the gathered rumour of all lands: the springing and the more info, the song and the weeping, and the slow everlasting source of over-burdened stone. And so at the last Gwaihir the Windlord found me again, and he took me up and bore me away. Ever am I fated to be your burden, friend at need, I said. A burden you have been, he answered, but not so now. Light as a swans feather in my claw you are. The Sun shines through you. Indeed I do not think you need me any more: were I to let you fall, you would float upon the wind. Do not let me fall. I gasped, for I felt life in me again. Bear me to Lothlo´rien. That indeed is the command of the Lady Galadriel who sent me to look Forge of empires free you, he answered. T HE WHITE RIDER 503 Thus it was that I came to Caras Galadhon and found you but lately gone. I tarried there in the ageless time of that land where days bring healing not decay. Healing I found, and I was clothed in white. Counsel I gave and counsel took. Th 15 clash clans by strange roads I came, and messages I bring to some of you. To Aragorn I was bidden to say this: Where now are the Du´nedain, Elessar, Elessar. Why do more info kinsfolk wander afar. Near is the hour when the Lost should come forth, And the Grey Company ride from the North. But dark is the path appointed for thee: The Dead watch the road that leads to the Sea. To Legolas she sent this word: Legolas Greenleaf long under tree In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea. If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more. Gandalf fell silent and shut his eyes. Then she sent me no message. said Gimli and bent his head. Dark are her words, said Legolas, and little do they mean to those that receive them. That is no comfort, said Gimli. What then. said Legolas. Would you have her speak th3 coc to you of your death. Yes, if she had naught else to say. What is that. said Gandalf, opening his eyes. Yes, I think I can guess what her words may mean. Your pardon, Gimli. I was pondering the messages once again. But indeed she sent words to you, and neither dark nor sad. To Gimli son of Glo´in, she said, give his Ladys greeting. Lockbearer, wherever thou goest my thought goes with thee. But have a care to lay thine axe to the right tree. In happy hour you have returned to us, Gandalf, cried the Dwarf, capering as he sang loudly in the strange dwarf-tongue. Come, come. he shouted, swinging his axe. Since Gandalfs head is now sacred, let us find one that it is right to cleave. That will not be far Forge of empires free seek, said Gandalf, rising from his seat. Come. We have spent all the time that is allowed to a meeting of parted friends. Now there play legends need of haste. 504 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS He wrapped himself again in his old tattered cloak, and led the way. Following him they descended quickly from the high shelf and made their way back through the forest, Forge of empires free the bank of the Entwash. They spoke no more words, until they stood again upon the grass beyond the eaves of Fangorn. There was no sign of their horses to be seen. They have not returned, said Legolas. It will be a weary walk. I shall not walk. Time presses, said Gandalf. Then lifting up his head he gave a long whistle. So clear and piercing was the note that the others stood amazed to hear such a sound come from those old bearded lips. Three times he whistled; and then faint and far off it seemed to them that they heard the whinny of a horse borne up from the plains upon the eastern wind. They waited wondering. Before long there came the sound of hoofs, at first hardly more than a tremor of the ground perceptible only to Aragorn as he lay upon the grass, then growing steadily louder this web page clearer to a quick beat. There more info more than one horse coming, said Aragorn. Certainly, said Gandalf. We are too great a burden for one. There are three, said Legolas, gazing out over the plain. See how they run. There is Forge of empires free, and there is my friend Arod beside him. But there is another that strides ahead: a very great horse. I have not seen his like before. Click the following article will you again, said Gandalf. That is Shadowfax. He is the chief of the Mearas, lords of horses, and not even The´oden, King of Rohan, has ever looked on a better. Does he not shine like silver, and run as smoothly as a swift stream. He has come for me: the horse of the White Rider. We are going to battle together. Even as the old wizard spoke, the great horse came striding up the slope towards them; his coat was glistening and his mane flowing in the wind of his speed. The two others followed, now far behind. As soon as Shadowfax saw Gandalf, he checked his pace and whinnied loudly; then trotting gently he stooped his proud head and nuzzled his great nostrils against the old mans neck. Gandalf caressed him. It is a long way from Rivendell, my friend, he said; but you are wise and swift and come at need. Far let us ride now together, and part not in this world again. Soon the other horses came up and stood quietly by, as if awaiting orders. We go at once to Meduseld, the hall of your master, The´oden, said Gandalf, addressing them gravely.

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His wooden leg and magical eye were lying on the bedside table. Is he okay.