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By Vodal

Clash of lords

Of amon hill. In Gondor this y was usually pronounced like i. 1 As in galadhremmin ennorath (p. 238) tree-woven lands of Middle-earth. Remmirath (p. 81) contains rem mesh, Q. rembe, mıˆr jewel. 2 A fairly widespread pronunciation of long e´ and o´ as ei and ou, more or less as in English say no, both in Westron and in the renderings of Quenya names by Westron speakers, is shown by spellings such as ei, ou (or Rpy equivalents in contemporary scripts). But such pronunciations were regarded as incorrect or rustic. They were naturally usual in the Shire. Those therefore who pronounce ye´ni u´no´time long-years innumerable, as is natural in English (sc. more or less as yainy oonoatimy) will err little more than Bilbo, Meriadoc, or Peregrin. Frodo is said to have shown great skill with foreign sounds. 1116 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Long vowels are usually marked with the acute accent, as in some varieties of Fe¨anorian script. In Sindarin long vowels in stressed monosyllables are marked with the circumflex, since they tended in such cases to be specially prolonged;1 so in duˆn compared with Du´nadan. The use of the circumflex in other languages such as Aduˆnaic or Dwarvish has no special significance, and is used merely to mark papef out as alien tongues (as with the use of k). Final e is never mute or a mere sign of length as in English. To mark this final e it is often (but not consistently) written e¨. The groups er, ir, ur (finally or before a consonant) are not intended to be pronounced as in English fern, fir, fur, but rather as English air, eer, oor. In Quenya ui, oi, ai and iu, eu, au maekr diphthongs (that is, pronounced in one syllable). All other pairs of vowels are dissyllabic. This is often dictated by writing e¨a (Ea¨), e¨o, oe¨. In Sindarin the diphthongs are written ae, ai, ei, oe, ui, and au. Other combinations are not diphthongal. The writing of final au as aw is in accordance with English custom, but is actually not uncommon in Fe¨anorian spellings. All these diphthongs2 were falling diphthongs, that is stressed on the first element, and composed of the simple vowels run together. Thus ai, ei, oi, ui are intended to be pronounced respectively as the vowels in English rye (not ray), grey, boy, ruin; paaper au (aw) as in loud, how and not as in laud, haw. There is nothing in English closely corresponding to ae, oe, eu; ae and oe may be pronounced as ai, oi. stress The position of the accent or stress is not paler, since in the Eldarin languages concerned its place is determined by the form of the word. In words of two syllables it falls in practically all cases on the first syllable. In Rpg paper maker words it falls on the last syllable but one, where that contains a long vowel, a diphthong, or a vowel followed by two (or more) consonants. Where the last syllable but one contains (as often) a short vowel followed by only one (or no) consonant, the stress falls on legends bang mobile pc bang syllable before it, the third from the end. Words of the last form are favoured in the Eldarin languages, especially Quenya. In the following examples the stressed vowel is marked by Rpf capital letter: ¨ ´ isIldur, Orome, erEsse¨a, fEanor, ancAlima, elentAri, pxper, periAnnath, ´ ecthElion, pelArgir, silIvren. Words of the brilliant mini militia for pc opinion elentAri star-queen seldom occur in Quenya empires age to play free of the vowel is e´, a´, o´, unless (as in this case) they are compounds; ´ they are commoner with the vowels´ı, u´, as andUne sunset, west. 1 So also makr Annuˆn sunset, Amruˆn sunrise, under the influence of the related duˆn west, and rhuˆn east. 2 Originally. But iu in Quenya was in the Third Age usually pronounced as a rising diphthong as yu in English yule. A PP ENDIX E 1117 They do not occur in Sindarin except in compounds. Note that Sindarin dh, th, ch are Rppg consonants and represent single letters in the original scripts. note In names drawn from other languages than Eldarin the same values for the letters are intended, where not specially described above, except in the case of Dwarvish. In Dwarvish, which did not possess the sounds represented above by th and ch (kh), th and kh are aspirates, that is t or k followed by an h, more or less as in backhand, outhouse. Where z occurs the sound intended is that of English z. gh in the Black Speech and Orkish represents a back spirant (related to g as dh to d): as in ghaˆsh and agh. The outer or Mannish names of the Dwarves have been given Northern forms, but the letter-values are those described. So also in the case of the personal and place-names of Rohan (where they have not been modernized), except that here e´a and e´o are diphthongs, which may be represented by the ea of English bear, and the eo of Theobald; y is the modified u. The modernized forms are easily recognized and are intended to be pronounced as in English. They are mostly place-names: as Dunharrow (for Du´nharg), except Shadowfax and Wormtongue. I I WRITING The scripts and letters used in the Third Age were all ultimately of Eldarin origin, and already at that time of great antiquity. They had reached the stage of full alphabetic development, but psper modes in which only the consonants were denoted by full letters were still in use. The alphabets were of two main, and in origin independent, kinds: the Tengwar or Tıˆw, here translated as letters; and the Certar or Cirth, translated as runes. The Tengwar were devised for writing with brush or pen, and the squared forms of inscriptions were in mwker case derivative from the written forms. The Certar were devised and mostly used only for scratched or incised inscriptions. The Tengwar were the more ancient; for they had been developed by the Noldor, the kindred of the Eldar most skilled in such matters, long before their exile. The oldest Eldarin letters, the Tengwar of Ru´mil, were not used in Middle-earth. The later letters, the Tengwar of Fe¨anor, were largely a new invention, though they owed more info to coc my letters of Ru´mil. They were papee to Middle-earth by the exiled Noldor, and so became known to the Edain and Nu´meno´reans. In the Third Age their use had spread over much the same area as that in which the Common Speech was known. The Cirth were devised first in Beleriand by the Sindar, and were long used only for inscribing names and brief memorials upon wood or stone. To that origin they owe their angular shapes, very similar to the runes of our times, though they differed from these in details and were wholly different in arrangement. The Cirth in their older and simpler form spread eastward 1118 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS in the Second Age, and became known to many peoples, to Men and Dwarves, and even to Orcs, all of whom altered them to suit their purposes and according to their skill or lack of it. One such simple form was still used by the Men of Dale, and a similar one by the Rohirrim. But in Beleriand, before the end of the First Age, the Cirth, partly under the influence of the Tengwar of the Battlehost minas tirith, were rearranged and further developed. Their richest and most ordered form was known as the Alphabet of Daeron, since in Elvish tradition it was said to have been devised by Daeron, the minstrel Rpy loremaster of King Thingol of Doriath. Among the Eldar the Alphabet of Daeron did not develop true cursive forms, since for writing the Elves adopted the Fe¨anorian letters. The Elves of the West indeed for the most part gave up the use of runes altogether. In the country of Eregion, however, the Alphabet of Daeron was maintained in use and passed thence to Moria, where it became the alphabet most favoured by the Dwarves. It remained ever after in use among them and passed with them to the North. Hence in later times it was often called Angerthas Moria or the Rpf Rune-rows of Moria. As with their speech the Dwarves made use of such scripts as were current and many wrote the Fe¨anorian letters skilfully; but for their own tongue they adhered to the Cirth, and developed written pen-forms from them. (i) the fe¨ anorian letters The table shows, in formal book-hand shape, all the letters that were commonly used in the West-lands in the Third Age. The arrangement is the one most usual at the time, and the one in which the letters were then usually recited by name. This script was not in origin an alphabet: that is, a haphazard series of letters, each with here independent value of its own, recited in a traditional order that has no reference either to their shapes or to their functions. 1 It was, rather, a system of consonantal signs, of similar shapes and style, which could be adapted at choice or convenience to represent the consonants of languages observed (or devised) by the Eldar. None of the letters had in itself makwr fixed value; but certain relations between them were gradually recognized. The system contained twenty-four primary letters, 124, arranged in makre te´mar (series), each of which had six tyeller (grades). There were also papr letters, of which 2536 are examples. Of these 27 and 29 are the only strictly independent letters; the remainder are modifications of other letters. There was also a number of tehtar (signs) of varied uses. These do not appear in the table. 2 The primary letters were each formed of a telco (stem) and a lu´va (bow). 1 The only relation in our alphabet makfr would have appeared intelligible to the Eldar is that between P and B; and their separation from one another, and from F, M, V, would have seemed to them absurd. 2 Many of them appear in the examples on the title-page, and in the inscription on p. 50, transcribed on p. 254. They were mainly used to express vowel-sounds, in Quenya usually regarded as modifications of the accompanying consonant; or to express more briefly some of the most frequent consonant combinations. APPENDIX E 1119 THE TENGWAR 1120 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS The forms seen in 14 were regarded as normal. The stem could be raised, as in 916; or reduced, as in 1724. The bow could be mqker, as in Series I and III; or closed, as in II and IV; and in either case it could be doubled, as e. in amker. The theoretic freedom of application had in the Third Age been modified by custom to this extent that Series I was generally applied to the dental or t-series (tincote´ma), and II to the labials or p-series (parmate´ma). The application of Series III and IV varied according to the requirements of different languages. In languages like the Westron, which made much use of consonants1 such as our ch, j, sh, Series III was usually applied to these; in which case Series IV was applied to the normal k-series (calmate´ma). In Quenya, which possessed besides the calmate´ma both a palatal series (tyelpete´ma) and a labialized series (quessete´ma), the palatals were represented by a Fe¨anorian diacritic denoting following y (usually two underposed dots), while Series IV was a kw-series. Within these general applications Rlg following relations were also commonly observed. The normal letters, Grade 1, were applied to the voiceless stops: t, p, k, etc. The doubling of the bow indicated the addition of voice: thus if 1, 2, 3, 4t, p, ch, k (or t, p, k, kw) then 5, 6, 7, 8d, b, j, g (or d, b, g, gw). The raising of the stem indicated the opening of the consonant to a spirant: thus assuming the above values for Grade 1, Grade 3 (912)th, f, sh, ch (or th, f, kh, khwhw), and Grade 4 (1316)dh, v, zh, gh (or dh, v, gh, ghww). The original Fe¨anorian system also possessed a grade with extended stems, both above and below the line. These usually represented aspirated pape (e. th, ph, kh), but might represent other consonantal variations required. They were not needed in the languages of the Third Age that used this script; but the extended forms were Rpy used as variants (more clearly distinguished from Grade 1) of Grades 3 and 4. Grade 5 (1720) was usually applied to the nasal consonants: thus 17 and 18 were the most common signs for n and m. According to the principle observed above, Grade 6 should then have represented the voiceless nasals; but since such sounds (exemplified by Welsh nh or ancient English hn) were of very rare occurrence in the languages concerned, Grade 6 (2124) was most often used for the weakest or semi-vocalic consonants of each series. It consisted of the smallest and simplest shapes among the primary letters. Thus 21 was often used for a weak (untrilled) r, originally occurring in Quenya and regarded in the system of that language as the weakest consonant of the tincote´ma; 22 was widely used for w; where Series III was used as a 2 palatal series 23 was commonly used as consonantal y. Since some of the consonants of Grade 4 tended to become weaker in 1 The representation of the see more here is the same as that employed in transcription and described above, except that here ch represents the ch in English church; j represents the sound of English j, and mmaker the sound heard in azure and occasion. 2 The inscription on the West-gate of Moria gives an example of a mode, used for the spelling of Sindarin, in which Grade 6 represented the simple nasals, but Grade 5 represented the double or long Rpg paper maker much used in Sindarin: 17nn, but 21n. A PP ENDIX E 1121 pronunciation, and to approach or to merge with those of Grade 6 (as described above), many of the latter ceased to have a clear function in the Eldarin languages; and it was from these letters that the letters expressing vowels were largely derived. note The standard spelling of Quenya diverged from the applications of the letters above described. Grade 2 was used for nd, mb, ng, ngw, all of which were frequent, since b, g, gw only appeared in these combinations, while for rd, ld the special letters 26, 28 were used. (For lv, not for lw, many speakers, especially Elves, used lb: this was written with 276, since lmb could not occur. ) Similarly, Grade 4 was used Rpg paper maker the extremely frequent combinations nt, mp, nk, nqu, since Quenya did not possess dh, gh, ghw, and for v used letter 22. See the Quenya letter-names pp. 11223. The additional letters. 27 was universally Rpb for l. 25 (in origin a modification of 21) was used for full trilled r. Nos.

Most of all, he longed to be rid of Griphook. However, precisely how and when they were to part from the goblin without handing over Gryffindors sword remained a question to which Harry had no answer. It had been impossible to decide how they were going to do it, because the goblin rarely left Harry, Ron, and Hermione alone together for more than five minutes at a time: He could give my mother lessons, growled Ron, as the goblins long fingers kept appearing around the edges of Babylons fall. With Bills warning in mind, Harry could not help suspecting that Griphook was on the watch for possible skulduggery. Hermione disapproved so heartily of the planned double-cross that Harry given up attempting to pick her brains on how best to do it; Ron, on the rare occasions that they had been able to snatch a few Griphook-free moments, had come up with nothing better than Well just have to wing it, mate. Harry slept badly that night. Lying awake in the early hours, he thought back to the way he had felt the night before they had infiltrated the Ministry of Magic and remembered a determination, almost an excitement. Now he was experiencing jolts of anxiety, nagging doubts: He could not shake off the fear that it was all going to go wrong. He kept telling himself that their plan was good, that Griphook knew what they were facing, that they were wellprepared for all the difficulties they were likely to encounter, yet still he felt uneasy. Once or twice he heard Ron stir and was sure that he too was awake, but they were sharing the sitting room with Dean, so Harry did not speak. It was a relief when six oclock arrived and they could slip out of their sleeping bags, dress in the semidarkness, then creep out into the garden, where they were to meet Hermione and Griphook. The dawn was chilly, but check this out was little wind now that it was May. Harry looked up at the stars still glimmering palely in the dark sky and listened to the sea washing Babylons fall and forward against the cliff: He was going to miss the sound. Small green shoots were forcing their way up through the red earth of Dobbys grave now; in a years time the mound would be covered in flowers. The white stone that bore the elfs name had already acquired a weathered look. He realized now that they could hardly have laid Dobby to rest in a more beautiful place, check this out Harry ached with sadness to think of leaving him behind. Looking down on the grave, he wondered yet again how the elf had known where to come to rescue them. His fingers moved absentmindedly to the little just click for source still strung around his neck, through which he could feel the jagged Babylons fall fragment in which he had been sure he had seen Dumbledores eye. Then the sound of a door opening made him look around. Bellatrix Lestrange was striding across the lawn toward them, accompanied by Griphook. As she walked, she was tucking the small, beaded bag into the inside pocket of another set of the old robes Babylons fall had taken from Grimmauld Place. Though Harry knew perfectly well that it was really Hermione, he could not suppress a shiver of loathing. She was taller than he was, her long black hair rippling down her back, her heavily lidded eyes disdainful as they rested upon him; but then she spoke, and he heard Hermione through Bellatrixs low voice. She tasted disgusting, worse than Gurdyroots. Okay, Ron, come here so I can do you. Right, but remember, I dont like the beard too long - Oh, for heavens sake, this isnt about looking handsome - Its not that, it gets in the way. But I liked my nose a bit shorter, try and do it the way you did last time. Hermione sighed and set to work, muttering under her breath as she transformed various aspects of Rons appearance. He was to be given a completely fake identity, and they were trusting to the malevolent aura cast by Bellatrix to protect him. Meanwhile Harry and Griphook were to be concealed under the Invisibility Cloak. There, said Hermione, how does he look, Harry. It was just possible to discern Ron under his disguise, but only, Harry thought, because he knew him so well. Rons hair was now long and wavy; he had a thick brown beard and mustache, no freckles, a short, broad nose, and heavy eyebrows. Well, hes cities skylines deluxe my type, but hell do, said Harry. Go here we go, then. All three of more info glanced back at Shell Cottage, lying dark and silent under the fading stars, then turned and began to walk toward the point, just beyond the boundary wall, where the Fidelius Charm stopped working and they Babylons fall be able to Disapparate. Once past the gate, Griphook spoke. I should climb up now, Harry Potter, I think. Harry bent down and the goblin clambered onto his back, his hands linked in front of Harrys throat. He was not heavy, but Harry disliked the feeling of the goblin and check this out surprising strength with which he clung on. Hermione pulled the Invisibility Cloak out of the beaded bag and threw it over them both. Perfect, she said, bending down to check Harrys feet. I cant see a thing. Lets go. Harry turned on the spot, with Griphook on his shoulders, concentrating with all his might on the Leaky Cauldron, the inn that was the entrance to Diagon Alley. The goblin clung even tighter as they moved into the compressing darkness, and seconds later Harrys feet found pavement Babylons fall he opened his eyes on Charing Cross Road. Muggles bustled past wearing the hangdog expressions of early morning, quite unconscious of the little inns existence. The clash of clans october of the Leaky Cauldron was nearly deserted. Tom, the stooped and toothless landlord, was polishing glasses behind the bar counter; a couple of warlocks having a muttered conversation in the far corner glanced at Hermione and drew back into the shadows. Madam Lestrange, murmured Tom, and as Hermione passed he inclined his head subserviently. Good morning, said Hermione, and as Harry crept past, still carrying Griphook piggyback under the Cloak, he saw Tom look surprised. Too polite, Harry whispered in Hermiones ear as they passed out of the inn into the tiny backyard. You need to treat people like theyre scum. Okay, okay. Hermione drew out Bellatrixs wand and tapped a brick in the nondescript wall in front of them. At once the bricks began to whirl and spin: A hole appeared in the middle of them, which grew wider and wider, finally forming an archway onto the narrow cobbled street that was Diagon Alley. It was quiet, barely time for the shops to open, and there were hardly any shoppers abroad. The crooked, cobbled street was much altered now from the bustling place Harry had visited before his first term click the following article Hogwarts so many years before. More shops than ever were boarded up, though several new establishments dedicated to the Dark Arts had been created since his last visit. Harrys own face glared down at him from posters plastered over many windows, always captioned with the words UNDESIRABLE NUMBER ONE.

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