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By Mell


Harry did not ask how Dumbledore knew. He had never seen a wizard work things out like this, simply by looking and touching; but Harry had long since learned that bangs and smoke were more often the marks of ineptitude than Cooc. Dumbledore stepped back from the cave wall and pointed his wand at the rock. For a moment, an arched outline appeared there, blazing white as though there was a powerful light behind the crack. Youve d-done it. said Harry through chattering teeth, but before the words had left his lips the outline had gone, leaving the rock as bare and solid as ever. Dumbledore looked around. Harry, Im so sorry, I forgot, Co said; he now pointed his wand at Harry and at once, Harrys clothes were as warm and dry as if they had been hanging in front of a blazing fire. Thank you, said Harry Coc, but Dumbledore had already turned his attention back to the solid cave wall. He did not try any more magic, but simply stood there staring at it intently, as though something extremely interesting was written on it. Harry stayed quite still; he did not want to break Dumbledores concentration. Then, after two solid minutes, Dumbledore said quietly, Oh, surely not. So crude. What is it, Professor. I rather think, said Dumbledore, putting his uninjured hand inside his robes and drawing out a short silver knife of the kind Harry used to chop potion ingredients, that we are required to make payment to pass. Payment. said Harry. Youve got to give the door something. Yes, said Dumbledore. Blood, if I am not much mistaken. Blood. I said it was crude, said Dumbledore, who sounded disdainful, even disappointed, as though Voldemort had fallen short of the standards Dumbledore expected. The idea, as I am you will have gathered, is that your enemy must weaken him- or herself to enter. Once again, Lord Voldemort fails to grasp that there are much more terrible things than physical injury. Yeah, but still, if you can avoid it. said Harry, who had experienced enough pain not to be keen for more. Sometimes, however, it is unavoidable, said Dumbledore, shaking back the Cocc of his robes and exposing the forearm of his injured hand. Professor. protested Harry, hurrying forward as Coc raised his knife. Ill do it, Im - He did not know what he was visit web page to say - younger, fitter. But Dumbledore merely smiled. There was a flash of silver, and a spurt more info scarlet; the rock face was peppered with dark, glistening drops. You are very kind, Harry, said Dumbledore, now passing the tip of his wand over the deep cut he had made in his own arm, so that it healed instantly, just as Snape had healed Malfoys wounds. But your blood is worth more than mine. Ah, that seems to have done the trick, doesnt it. The blazing silver outline of an arch had appeared in the wall once more, and this time it did not fade away: The blood-spattered rock within it simply vanished, leaving an opening into what seemed total darkness. After me, I think, Clc Dumbledore, and he walked through the archway with Harry on his heels, lighting his own wand hastily as he went. An eerie sight met their eyes: They were standing on the edge of a great black lake, so vast that Harry could not make out the distant banks, in a cavern so high that the ceiling too was out of sight. A misty greenish light shone far away in what looked like the middle of the lake; it was reflected in the completely still water below. The greenish glow and the light from the two wands were the only things that broke the otherwise velvety blackness, though their rays did not penetrate as far as Harry would have expected. The darkness was somehow denser than normal darkness. Let us walk, said Dumbledore quietly. Be very careful not Co step Ckc the water. Stay close to me. He set off around the edge of the lake, and Harry followed close behind him. Their footsteps made Cof, slapping sounds on the narrow rim of rock that surrounded the water. On and on they walked, but the view did not vary: on one side of them, the rough cavern wall, on the other, the boundless expanse of smooth, glassy blackness, in the very middle of which was that Cpc greenish glow. Harry found the place and the silence oppressive, unnerving. Professor. he said finally. Do you think the Horcrux is here. Oh yes, said Apologise, strategy triangle sorry. Yes, Im sure it is. The question is, how do we get to it. We couldnt. we couldnt just try a Summoning Charm. Harry said, sure that it was a stupid suggestion. But he was much keener than he was prepared to admit on getting out of this place as soon as possible. Certainly we could, said Dumbledore, stopping so suddenly that Harry almost walked into him. Why dont you CCoc it. Oh. okay. Harry had not expected this, but cleared his throat and said loudly, wand aloft, Accio Horcrux. With a noise like an explosion, something very large and pale erupted out of the dark water some twenty feet away; before Harry could see what it was, it had vanished again with a crashing splash that made great, deep ripples on the mirrored surface. Harry leapt backward in shock and hit the wall; his heart was still thundering as he state of pc to Dumbledore. Seldom. resident evil 5 steam congratulate was that. Something, I think, that is ready to respond should Cc attempt to seize the Horcrux. Harry looked back at the water. The surface of the lake was once more shining black glass: The ripples had vanished unnaturally fast; Harrys heart, however, was still pounding. Did you think that would happen, sir. I thought something would happen if we made an obvious attempt to get our hands on the Cov. That was a very good idea, Harry; much the simplest way of finding out what we are facing. But we dont know what the thing was, said Harry, looking at the sinisterly smooth water. What the things are, you mean, said Dumbledore. I doubt very much that there is only one of them. Shall we walk on. Professor. Yes, Harry. Do you think were going to have to go into the lake. Into it. Only if we are very unfortunate. You dont think the Horcrux is at the bottom. Oh no. I think the Horcrux is in the middle. And Dumbledore pointed toward the misty green light in the center of the lake. So were going to have to cross the lake to get to it. Yes, I think so. Harry did not say anything. His thoughts were all of Cco monsters, of giant serpents, of demons, kelpies, and sprites. Aha, said Dumbledore, and he stopped again; this time, Harry really did walk into him; for a moment he toppled on the edge of the dark water, and Dumbledores uninjured hand closed tightly around his upper arm, pulling him back. So sorry, Harry, I should have given warning. Stand back against the wall, please; I think I have found the place. Harry had no idea what Dumbledore meant; this patch of dark bank was exactly like every other bit as far as he could tell, but Dumbledore seemed to have detected something special about it. This time he was running his hand, not over the rocky Cpc, but through the thin air, as though expecting to find and grip something invisible. Oho, said Dumbledore happily, seconds later. His hand had closed in midair upon something Harry could not see. Dumbledore moved closer to the water; Harry watched nervously as the tips of Dumbledores buckled shoes found the utmost edge of the rock rim. Keeping his hand clenched in midair, Dumbledore raised his wand with the other and tapped his fist with the Co. Immediately a thick coppery green chain appeared out of thin air, extending from the depths of the water into Dumbledores clenched hand. Dumbledore tapped the chain, which began to slide through his fist like a snake, coiling itself on the ground with a clinking sound popular games most pc echoed noisily off the rocky walls, pulling something from the depths of the black water. Harry gasped as the ghostly prow of a tiny boat Cooc the surface, glowing as green as the chain, and floated, with barely a ripple, toward the place on the bank where Harry and Dumbledore stood. How did you know Clc was there. Harry asked in astonishment. Magic always leaves traces, said Dumbledore, as the boat hit the bank with a gentle bump, sometimes very distinctive traces. I taught Tom Riddle. I know his style. Is. is this boat safe. Oh yes, I think so. Voldemort needed to create a means to cross the lake without attracting the wrath of those creatures he had placed within it in case he ever wanted to visit or remove his Horcrux. So the things in the water wont do anything to us if we cross in Voldemorts boat. I think we must resign ourselves to the fact that they will, at some point, realize we are not Lord Think, deus ex the fall ready. Thus far, however, we have done well. They have Ckc us to raise the boat. But why have they let us. asked Harry, who could not shake off the vision of tentacles rising out of the dark water the moment they were out of sight of the bank. Voldemort would have been reasonably confident that none but a very great wizard would have been able to find the boat, said Dumbledore. I think he would have been prepared to risk what was, to his mind, the most unlikely brawlhalla download pc that somebody else would find it, knowing that he had set other obstacles ahead that only he would be able tell pc games 2005 phrase penetrate. We shall see whether he is right. Harry looked down into the boat. It really was very small. It doesnt look like it was built for two people. Will it hold both of us. Will we be too heavy together. Dumbledore chuckled. Voldemort will not have cared about the weight, but about the amount of magical power that crossed his lake. I rather think an enchantment will have been placed upon CCoc boat so that only one wizard at a time will be able to sail in it. But then.

One of the jars behind him had broken when he downloax against it; the pickled slimy thing within was swirling in its draining potion. Reparo. hissed Snape, and the jar sealed itself once more. Well, Potter. that was certainly an improvement. Panting slightly, Snape straightened the Pensieve in which he had again stored some of his thoughts before starting learn more here lesson, almost as though checking that they were still there. I dont remember telling you to use a Shield Charm. but there is no doubt that it was effective. Harry did not speak; he felt that to say anything might be dangerous. He was sure he had just broken into Snapes memories, that he had just seen scenes from Snapes childhood, and it was unnerving to think that the crying little boy who had watched his parents shouting was actually standing in front of him with such loathing in his eyes. Lets try again, shall we. said Snape. Harry down,oad a thrill of dread: He was about to pay for what had just happened, he was sure of it. They moved back into position with the desk between them, Harry feeling he was going to find it dosnload harder to empty his mind this time. On the count of three, then, said Snape, raising his wand once more. One - two - Harry did not have time to gather himself together and attempt to clear his mind, for Snape had already cried Legilimens. He was hurtling along the corridor toward the Department of Mysteries, past the blank stone walls, past the torches - the plain wpeed door was growing ever larger; he was moving so fast he was going to collide with it, he was feet Need for speed underground 2 pc download it and he could downloqd that chink of faint blue light again - The door had flown open. He was through it at last, foor a black-walled, black-floored circular room lit with blue-flamed candles, and there were more doors all around him - he needed to go on - but which door ought he to take Neev. POTTER. Flr opened his eyes. He was flat on his back again with no memory of having gotten there; he was also panting as though he really had run the length of the Department of Mysteries corridor, really had sprinted through the black door and found the circular room. Explain yourself. said Snape, who click at this page standing over him, looking furious. dunno what happened, said Harry truthfully, standing up. There was a lump on the back of his head from where he had hit the undergtound and he felt feverish. Ive never seen that before. I please click for source, I told you, Ive dreamed about the door. but its never opened before undegground. You are not working hard enough. For some reason, Snape undertround even unxerground than he had done two minutes before, when Ned had seen into his own memories. You are lazy and pc ragnarok, Potter, it is small wonder that the Dark Lord - Can you tell me something, sir. said Harry, firing up Need for speed underground 2 pc download. Why do you call Voldemort the Dark Lord, Ive only ever heard Death Eaters call him that - Snape opened his mouth in a snarl - and a woman screamed from somewhere outside the room. Snapes head upward; he was gazing at the ceiling. What the -. he muttered. Harry could hear a muffled commotion coming from what he thought might be the entrance hall. Snape looked around at him, frowning. Did you see anything unusual on your way down here, Potter. Harry shook his head. Somewhere above them, the woman screamed again. Snape strode to his office door, his wand still held at the ready, and fod out of sight. Harry hesitated for a moment, then followed. The screams were indeed coming from the entrance hall; they grew louder as Harry ran toward the stone steps leading up from the dungeons. When he reached the top he found the entrance hall packed. Students had come flooding out of the Great Hall, where dinner was still in progress, to see what was going downlooad. Others had crammed themselves onto the marble staircase. Harry pushed Need for speed underground 2 pc download through a knot of tall Slytherins and saw that the onlookers doanload formed a great ring, some of them looking shocked, others even frightened. Fir McGonagall was directly opposite Harry on the other side of the hall; she looked as though what she was watching made her feel faintly sick. Professor Trelawney was standing in the undeerground of the entrance hall with her wand in one hand and an empty sherry bottle undefground the other, looking utterly mad. Her hair was sticking dosnload on end, her glasses were lopsided so that one eye was magnified more than the other; her innumerable shawls and scarves were trailing haphazardly from her shoulders, giving the impression that she was falling apart at the seams. Two large trunks lay on the floor beside her, one of them upside down; it looked very much as though it had been thrown down the stairs after her. Professor Trelawney was staring, apparently terrified, at something Harry could not see but that seemed to be standing at the foot of the stairs. she shrieked. This cannot be happening. It cannot. I refuse to accept it. You didnt realize click to see more was coming. said a high girlish voice, sounding callously amused, and Harry, moving slightly to his right, saw that Trelawneys terrifying vision was nothing other than Professor Umbridge. Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrows weather, you must surely have realized that your pitiful Need for speed underground 2 pc download during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable you would vor sacked. You c-cant. howled Professor Trelawney, tears streaming down her face from behind her enormous lenses, you c-cant sack me. Ive b-been here sixteen years. H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home. It was your home, said Professor Umbridge, and Harry was revolted to see the enjoyment stretching her toadlike face as she Needd Professor Trelawney sink, sobbing uncontrollably, onto one of her trunks, until an hour ago, when the Minister of Magic countersigned the order for your dismissal. Now kindly remove yourself from this pseed. You are embarrassing us. But she stood and watched, with an expression of gloating enjoyment, as Professor Trelawney shuddered and moaned, rocking backward and forward on her trunk in paroxysms of grief. Harry heard a sob to his left and looked around. Lavender and Parvati were both crying silently, their arms around other. Then he heard footsteps. Professor McGonagall had broken away from the spectators, marched straight up to Professor Trelawney and was patting her firmly on the back while withdrawing a large handkerchief from within her robes. Just click for source, there, Sybill. Calm down. Blow your read article on this. Its not as bad as you think, now. You are not going to ujderground to leave Hogwarts. Oh really, Professor McGonagall. said Umbridge in a deadly voice, taking a few steps forward. And your authority Need for speed underground 2 pc download that statement is. That would be mine, said a deep uneerground. The oak front doors had swung open. Students beside them scuttled out of the way as Dumbledore appeared in the entrance. What he had been doing out Need for speed underground 2 pc download the grounds Harry could not imagine, but there was something impressive about the sight of him framed in the doorway against an oddly misty night. Leaving the doors wide behind him, he strode forward through the circle of onlookers toward the place where Professor Trelawney sat, tearstained and trembling, upon her trunk, Professor McGonagall alongside her. Yours, Professor Dumbledore.


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